Campath (alemtuzumab) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Campath (alemtuzumab)

has helped my son tremendously

CAMPATH (ALEMTUZUMAB): Alemtuzumab is used to treat a certain type of leukemia (B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia, also known as B-CLL). This medication works by stopping the growth of cancer cells. Alemtuzumab is also used to treat a certain type of multiple sclerosis (relapsing multiple sclerosis-MS). It is not a cure for MS but it is thought to help by preventing immune system cells (lymphocytes) from attacking the nerves in your brain and spinal cord. It helps decrease the number of episodes of worsening and may prevent or delay disability. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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helps with depression well but am worried about withdrawal if and when I stop it. When will wt gain stop?

Heart beats irregular...palpatations

For those of you paying upwards of $35 and $45 for this pill, I was getting mine at my local Planned Parenthood for $20. My local PP stopped carrying it, but check at yours anyway! Everything's cheaper at PP (exams, BC, Counseling, etc.). :)

Sever nausea everyday!about a 5 lb weight gain, and major breast tenderness. headaches and major mood swings.

15 mg dose has more sedating effect than 30 mg. This is info from 3 different psychiatrists. They all said the same thing. If you're TOO sedated, talk to your doctor about this.

Topamax was eventually the only thing that ever took mymigraines away, and for a long time it worked well. Over time, I began to see why people call it "dope-a-max!" I thought I was going prematurely senile since I just couldn't think straight any more. I couldn't make words come out of my mouth when I knew in my head what I wanted to say.A lot of physical stuff began happening, such as kidneystones, which was worse that childbirth in my case. Icouldn't do a thing, I was in so much pain from them. Ittotally ruined an entire spring/summer for me. No one inmy family had ever had them, either.Long term users, I'd recommend getting off this drug. I'vefelt so much better since being off it, I had no idea I'd feelthis great, and I've been taking Excedrin Migraine now toquell any first-feelings of a migraine coming on, and thathas worked fine. So far so good, knock on wood.

Severe joint pain in the lower back and hips, then in knees and feet after a year. Eventually couldn't exercise or unable to walk the next day if I did. Unable to continue with sports such as golf or tennis. Carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists. Weight gain. Developed severe osteoporosis and onc wanted to put me on meds with even greater bone effects. Had completed 5 years of Tamoxifen prior to Femara with moderate side effects of stiffness and weight gain. This drug is toxic and literally sucks the life out of you.

I have "silent GERD", which means no heartburn; symptoms include esophageal spasms and nausea. It flares up into tiny ulcers from time to time. Zantac or Ranitidine controls this and heals the ulcers. BUT if you have any bone loss due to menopause or your body type you must not take this or the PPIs long-term. They block calcium absorption. This is less efficient than PPIs so it is a better choice. So I take it as needed. Really surprised to read about all the side-effects as I am hypersensitive to most medications.

fatigue, somnolence, hostility, hair loss, very low blood pressure (65/35)

I am sensitive to a lot of drugs, but this made me want to kill myself. Went to the hospital and stopped taking after 3 doses. Starting to feel better, but please be careful with this medication.