Calcitonin-salmon (calcitonin, salmon) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Calcitonin-salmon (calcitonin, salmon)

I was having my hair come out in chunks and even my hair dresser noticed it. After trying different drugs for osteoporosis, I am going to pray and take my supplements. The side effects are NOT worth how bad you feel.

What a relief after trying Fosamax, which I'll never take again. I was worried that I'd have sinus congestion because I'm a singer, but that hasn't happened. Hopefully my osteoporosis will improve.

severe spine an neck pain and hand pain

I was tking Fortical Nasal Spray 200 IU dose. This was made by Upsher-Smith.

CALCITONIN-SALMON (CALCITONIN, SALMON): This medication is used to treat brittle bone disease (osteoporosis) in women who are at least 5 years past "the change of life" (menopause). Calcitonin works by slowing bone loss to help maintain strong bones and reduce your risk of fractures. This product has been withdrawn from the Canadian market due to safety problems. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

Honestly, I notice the most significant difference in its effect on me if I skip a dose. I've taken it 13 months now, and I barely feel different. It helped a very small amount, but if for some reason I miss a dose, I feel 5 times worse. The dreams are strange--extremely vivid. All five senses totally engaged. You feel every single thing as though it were actually happening. I've always had strange dreams, but I've never felt as much in a dream as I did on this medication. Sometimes it's just weird, but it's often unpleasant (dreaming about being stuck with needles or getting sick or being punched or choked--you feel it even though it's not actually happening). Last week I took it very late at night (around 1-2 am) and lost the whole next day sleeping.And of course the weight gain. I was gaining more and more weight even though I hadn't changed my lifestyle. Did some research, sure enough, weight gain is a side effect. I'm wondering if it's time for me to talk to my doctor about weaning off.

Heres the deal with all of these people slamming this drug! They say the side effects were too much, they say it was hell getting off it. Listen alot of these people in this room have taken this drug for years and then slammed it. It must have been effective for a quite a while? Theres not alot of positive feedback in here but I personally have experienced great results and have tried numerous meds until i found Paxil. If your anxiety is not that severe then you will not benefit from this med. If you do not work on congitive therapy then you will not benefit. If your anxiety is such a burden too were you cannot function and are paralyzed by fear thoughout the day from social interactions or just simply driving your car then I think your in need of Paxil. If your anxiety is not severe enough to cripple your life then dont even think about taking any kind of anxiety drug. You dont go though the trouble of finding a serious mind altering drug because you want to be a little more calmer th

not sure if it's helping as i still feel depressed and having anxiety, but it's only been two weeks. 30 mg. the 1st week and 60 mg. the 2nd.

Started taking 150mg once/month in June/09. Experienced muscle and hip pain, leg cramping. 2d month -5th month severe joint pain woke me up at night plus deep stomach pain;6 mo insomnia and pain in my jaw and leg cramping, 7-9 months insomnia, during day sudden pain behind leg joint to the point of limping. The 10th mo.has been the worse: next day woke up w/soreness in throat and tongue along w/flu like symptoms and night sweat. A group of my tongue's taste buds in the center of it arose turning whitish (not a sore) as well as towards the trachea. It hurt to clean my tongue when brushing my teeth. This kind of calmed for about 3-4 days (but it did not disappear) after the first 2 weeks and arose again. I also had lots of stomach piercing pain. I went to my PCP and he certainly did not know what it was and gave me a referral to see an Oral surgeon. It took so long to get the appmt that today, 1-month and 4 days after having taken Actonel, my tongue is finally getting back to normal. The

Has worked very well controlling blood pressure and has helped stop the palpatations during rest. Also, has helped with breathing as I can take whole breaths now.

Without the drug, I have night terrors. I do things like smashing sliding glass doors to get us out of a horrible situation. 5mg Ambien does allow me to get a good night's sleep. Like others, if I wakeup after 6 hrs, I can't get back to sleep. I cannot sleep withoutthe ambien. Helpful when driving when tired; no chance of falling asleep. No chance for taking much of a nap either.Works great to help with jet lag when travelling over seas.Can't imagine taking more than 10. 10 really knocks one out.I need at least 5.

I "lost" words and names, became confused easily, feared I had Alzheimer's, eventually lost my sense of balance and had several falls. Have now been off Gapentin completely for 2 weeks. Memory and balance is back to normal.

Methadone saved my life when I was using Heroin. I have been clean from the habit for almost three years now. Seven months ago, was started on Methadone after a two-week stay in the hospital with Morphine Infusions of 12mg every hour plus 4 mg IV Dilaudid every 2-4 hours for brekthrough pain OR Fentanyl Citrate 25-50mcg every hour (depending on doctor that day), while maintained on Hydrocodone 20mg every 4 hours and (Non-Narcotic) Toradol 10mg IV every 6-8 hours...I informed them that if I were relaeased/discharged with the medication they were going to give me (Norco 10/325 1-2 tablets every 6-8 hours) that I would literally be crawling/paying someone/flat out finding a way to obtain Heroin. I know myself, I know how much pain I was in, and I know I had once again had that "taste". I was released to pain management, where I opted for Methadone, was quickly titrated upward to 150mg day (50mg x 3). Over the next 4 months, dosed myself downward to 120mg (30mg x 4 daily) where I

I was on Lupron in 2001 for my endo pain and i LOVED IT! My pain was gone and although the side effects weren't fun it was worth it. I had a son in 2004 and 2006. I started feeling endo pains last year and I talked to my doctor about another round of lupron. I just got my 1st 3 month shot this week and i am excited. Think about it - i got the shot in 2001 and started feeling pain again in 2008? Seven years of relief! Lupron is wonderful and I say try it!

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