Cabergoline (cabergoline) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Cabergoline (cabergoline)

Sleepiness, mild nausea, brain fog, low motivation.

Medication did reduce tumor and lowered prolactin levels. Nausea severity did reduce over time, but brain fog is much worse. I notice a harder time focusing on tasks and conversations especially on the day after taking the medication.

- drowsiness- fatigue- increased headaches- lack of motivation- dizziness

restored my menstrual cycleslowered prolactin levels

The same as all others have listed.

Has anyone found a resolution for the side effects. Im desperate to get my life back. I have pituitary adenoma x20 yrs... took bromocriptine for a while, off and on.... Then cabergoline for the past few years off and on. Had 2 kids in the last 8 years. I dont like being on cabergoline for more then 8 weeks. Prolactin goes from 217-72 in 4 Weeks (in my case). Never the less In searching for answers to o why Im stuck in bed right now with extreme nausea. I just cant do this anymore.Someone please email if you have any advice.

Nausea,dizziness,thyroid,numness in dryness,irritate with every thing, sleepy. Pain in leg ,galectoria ,period,not coming

fatigue, dizziness, crazy emotions, depression, anxiety, weight gain, loosing hair off my head and gaining it on my chest and face, brain fog and a total lack of motivation.

I was diagnosed with Prolactinoma(2cm, 1500 prolactin levels) after I didn't have a cycle for 2 years and I started getting extreme migraines daily. I was put on Dostinex, the daily migraines decreased in intensity and duration, but still no cycle to this day (8 years on Cabergoline) My prolactin numbers have reached "normal range", currently at 58. Lately I have been feeling depressed, anxious and very angry. I have also been getting hair growth on my face and chest and am just explode with anger when I am normally a pretty laid back gal. I can see that I am acting aggressive and crazy, but I can't seem to stop the reaction. I got my testosterone checked and it is high, 68. I feel that the medication is increasing my testosterone, which is causing my anger, but my prolactin is still high and when I tried to get off the meds a few months ago because of the anger my prolactin jumped up to 175 in just 6 weeks. I am frustrated that I don't have options. I feel that the Cabergoline is causing: Increased testosterone, anger, anxiety, emotional melt downs (anger and crying), I could easily sleep 12 hours a day and need coffee everyday, and my weight is climbing even though I am too depressed to eat much. The positives is that the headaches are less intense and the tumor is not growing. The negatives are that I am an emotional mess, I am slowly turning into a man and I don't have any motivation to do the things I once loved (mountain biking, backpacking, running

CABERGOLINE (CABERGOLINE): This medication is used to treat high levels of prolactin hormone in your body. High levels of prolactin in women can cause symptoms such as unwanted breast milk and missed periods and can cause difficulty becoming pregnant. High levels of prolactin in men can cause symptoms such as enlarged breasts and decreased sexual ability/desire. Cabergoline is an ergot medication and works by blocking the release of prolactin from the pituitary gland. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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The first few days of this medicine were ok, it seemed to help with the pain, but the third day I started feeling more tired, and dreamy like..I wanted to sleep all the time. I can't. I have children on summer vaca. My mouth felt like someone stuffed cotton in it..I also started experiencing cold leg and foot numbing and tingling..that scared me a great deal. It was my last dose I am taking..flushed the rest of the pills down the toilet. Nothing is worth this. I feel like I can't even concentrate enough to type this. I keep having to correct spelling errors. I wouldn't recommend this product to anyone unless you can take the time during the day to sleep it off. It works great as a sleeping pill.

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