Butalbital w/ aspirin & caffeine (aspirin; butalbital; caffeine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Butalbital w/ aspirin & caffeine (aspirin; butalbital; caffeine)

Side Effects forbutalbital w/ aspirin & caffeine (aspirin; butalbital; caffeine) - User Comments


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I am hopelessly hooked on it. I am trying to quit the gum and having all the classic signs of drug withdrawal through the day. My teeth which were quite healthy until the last couple of years are starting to crack and break from the chewing.

Few hours after first dose of fourth day suddenly experienced severe !!! Vertigo (beyond dizzy) with nausea. So severe went to ER, diagnosed vertigo.Also, when first started noticed need to frequently clear throat. Night of vertigo episode noticed left side sinus and some ear congestion. Stopped restasis. Improved next day. Was awakened from early morning sleep with stabbing pain in right ear. Tried dose of restasis later in morning. Within 30 mins to hour had episode of vertigo and nausea. Flushed eyes. Will stop restasis. Especially after reviewing these complaints and my experience.

pressure in the ear and dry nose

I heard a man talking in the doctor's office about his wife's experience with fosomax and that there were lawsuits against it. I asked him some questions and when he said that it does not build back bone, I started investigating on my own as well as seeing the red flags I should have already spotted. It has me convinced that fosomax is not for me. I am off it now and will explore more natural ways to heal.

extreme mood swings around period, weight loss

Nausea, rash (may or may not be from medicine), loss of appetite, constipation, some dizziness, lack of sex drive; nausea and dizziness went away after 1.5 weeks on 20mg, came back for a few days when I moved up to 40mg. Still have everything else.

My life has been turned up side down and inside out. I have just gone to the docter for anxiety and depression and was put on an antidepresant. I realized later that it all started about 3 months ago when I started the ring. Every one who knows me is scared for me because they say I am so out of it and all I do is cry or scream. I feel sick all the time and my life right now is awful. I am stopping the ring tonight. These side effects are life changing.

I have been taking Allegra for a couple of years now, along with Flonase. It really helps with the allergy symptoms: sneezing, itchy eyes and ears, drip, sinus headache, hives. Claritin did nothing; Benedryl worked too well -- as a sleeping pill! I have been experiencing bad menstrual cramps but I also have endo and fibroids so it hard to know if Allegra is the cause..and the trade-off is worth it for me, even if it means more drugs (sigh). I haven't gotten a buzz from this, though Pseudoephedrine puts me through the roof...

Too many negative things to include

to add on to my previous side effects... I have been very fatigued, I am always exhausted. I have no energy at all. I feel drained constantly no matter how long I sleep.