Budesonide (budesonide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Budesonide (budesonide)

I'm no longer taking this medication. It only brought my diarrhea down to 3x a day and sometimes more. It made my cataracts and arthritis worse. I am now on Cholestyramine and I'm in remission.

Horrible joint pains & psoriasis got much worse. Did not help bowel problems.

Covid infection (lung protection)

Taking in in a nebulizer to help protect my lungs during a mild Covid Infection. It had a great effect and really helped my cough. Unfortunately it gave me severe and unbearable anxiety. I don't I can continue using it.

It's a great drug if you can tolerate it. I can't. 4 hours awake in the middle of the night with crippling anxiety. When I finally fell back to sleep I dreamed that I had chest pressure and was going to have a heart attack. Came on my first full day of using 2 nebulizer ampules.

I have not noticed any side effects

This is the only drug that keeps me from getting bad. I started with 9 mg, then down to 6, then 3, and now taking 3mg. every other day and am still good. I will keep weaning down and perhaps go off and hope I don't have another flare.

BUDESONIDE (BUDESONIDE): This medication is used to treat certain bowel conditions (such as Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis). While budesonide does not cure these conditions, it may decrease symptoms such as pain and diarrhea. Budesonide is an anti-inflammatory drug (corticosteroid hormone). It works by decreasing the body's natural defense response (immune response). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I have only been taking it for one month but it seems fine for my body. No pains or complaints yet.

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I am 4 days in on avelox for pneumonia. 2nd week out of work I am desperate to try ANYTHING to be better. After the first day I had terrible pain and redness in both of my ankles day 3 I woke up with a slight back pain and today the back pain is so terrible I am having trouble sittting walking all of the above. I've had the shAkes since I started the medicine and decreased appetite for weeks with all the medicine I've been on to mewith the difficulty breathing the side effects don't out weigh the risk of being sick again

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Within 12 hours of taking the drug my bones were hurting. My knees starting hurting first but I ocassionally have trouble with my knees so I didn't think much of it. Within a few hours my hips hurt so bad that it was difficult to walk. My muscles and bones hurt so bad that it was difficult to sleep. I got out of bed with a terrible headache and felt like I had been hit by a train. The symptoms continued for a few days. This was my first and last experience with Actonel!

Bad monthly's, Prevent Pregnancy

nasty taste in mouth; food tastes awful; everything tastes like baking soda; water feels slimy and tastes salty-not refreshing; hard to find anything that tastes good

Initially the treatment seemed to work, but I foolishly stopped taking it for 3 weeks. Now back on it but not totally convinced will be visiting my doctor again soon(3rd visit in 7 months)