Bromfed-dm (brompheniramine maleate; dextromethorphan hydrobromide; pseudoephedrine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Bromfed-dm (brompheniramine maleate; dextromethorphan hydrobromide; pseudoephedrine hydrochloride)

Bad stomach cramps, loss of appetite and dry nose and throat

Side Effects forbromfed-dm (brompheniramine maleate; dextromethorphan hydrobromide; pseudoephedrine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Taking 600mg at one time made me feel loopy but 300mg 2x a day helped more than any other pain med. margarines have almost disappeared. NO restless legs. And helped so much with my knee pain and some with my back pain.

abnormal spotting, ovarian cysts

bi-polar/anxiety/sleep disorder

regulate periods to start letrezole

after my wife began taking lunesta she complained of anxiety in the morning which then subsided. lunesta taken as prescribed with other medications can be a catalyst which will push you over the brink into suicide -- the pharmacuetical companies are so concerned they even tell you it can be suicidal--- so they have a clear conscience- if it helps - fine - but be aware that it can take your life just as easily..and none of the pharmacuticals could give a care.

Took it for 6 days and can't do it anymore.

I started taking the generic brand of lamisil and I have been on it for about 40 days. After about 35 days into taking the medication, I noticed a change in my sense of taste. At first, I wasn't too sure what was happening. I also noticed that I was always thirsty even though I drink a lot of water already. I also noticed a metalic after taste in my mouth. My stomach was a bit queasy at times and I found myself very tired. My doctor and pharmasist did not warn me about these particular side effects at all. When I started doing more research on the drug and I had realized that other people were describing the same symptoms and more, I decided to stop taking the medication. It is not worth losing all sense of taste over toenail fungus. I looked into homeopathic remedies and one of the things that was suggested was to soak your feet in epsom salt once a day. It may take a while to get rid of the fungus but it is worth a shot. I can always cover my toes with toenail polish. I am

works very good for low back and sciatic nerve pain

Thought of dying no appetite sweating tiredness felt like crying hallucinations don't get close to this drug rather have malaria next time

The drug seemed to work well in getting rid of the infection around my wisdom teeth but the side-effects are terrible. Persistant diahorria, nausea, total loss of appetite, inability to sleep, anxiety and panic, dark thoughts.