Breo ellipta (fluticasone furoate; vilanterol trifenatate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Breo ellipta (fluticasone furoate; vilanterol trifenatate)

I took Breo for a long time and doctor put me on Trelegy for 5 years. Now I feel Trelegy is causing heart palpitations, worsening of SOB and hoarseness. Been taking Breo for about a week and no heart palpitations.

I think for the undiagnosed lung nodules and severe emphysema (NOT A SMOKER) Breo works better for me. I Have severe respiratory failure according to CT's and pulmonary function tests. Good days and bad days. I hope Breo will continue to work for me.

Heart rate goes up use to have a resting hr of 60 when I've taken this its 96 hr and makes me more anxious

Voice change, increase peeing, tiredness.

It works great! I can finally breath. All my coughing is gone with the chest pressure. I wish it didn't have any side effects but what meds don't! €ï¸

Heart palpitations,blurred vision, glaucoma, psoriasis, alot of weight gain. Teeth decay, depression

Starts off good then all these sides effects start showing up slowly. Side effects are bad. Went off Breo and felt better and happy energetic. Not a good drug for breathing

Moderate - Severe pulmonary obstruction

Not many side effects other than make sure you rinse your mouth and gargle with water after use ( Thrush )I thought I was indestructible as far as this, but learned the hard way.

This product has done wonders for me !! I manufactured paints most of my life, breathing in many toxins and suffered before my doctor prescribed.

Have to think to breath, chest feels heavy

Worked great at first - within 3 days no longer needed nebulizer or rescue inhaler. At 3 weeks developed heart palpitations, severe muscle cramping and chills, stopped taking with severe jaw, teeth and earache. Muscle cramping and chills went away, started antibiotics for earache.

Thought it was miracle drug at first as had multiple bouts of bronchitis over 6 months and onset of severe asthma that remained uncontrolled with mucous, cough, SOB, and wheezing. Severe tooth and jaw pain with earaches were the last straw on side effects. Hopefully 3 of 4 week course was enough to keep asthma controlled for now

Raspy voice and slight sore throat.

I used Breo Ellipta while I was getting the copay help.

I have not experienced side effect.

I was suffering from shortness of breath frequently during the day. Anytime I was moving fast, walking stairs, or walk fast I would get shortness of breath. I was using other medicine to take when a got those symptoms but I didn't feel it was helping. Soon as I started to take this medicina Breo Ellipta I saw a big improvement. I could walk fast, do stairs. Now, I have not taking. I get the synthom only sometimes not too often. I had used the sample from my doctor. I went to buy is over $300.00I didn't buy, I wanted to see if I am not taking it would not return the shortness of breath. Now is about a week and still I am not that bad. I get now much lighter the shortness of breath and not too often.I am waiting if can deal without the medicine maybe I won't take anymore. If It return and i feel the discomfort, I would buy. But I was very surprised after 1 1/2 year of suffering I am feeling much better.

Side effects were few.Worked at first. I dont know if its not working because it all sticks to the back of my throat or as per usual these drugs just stop working for me. Good product. Shitty delivery system..It should come in a puffer or nebulizer form.Im paying far too much just to have this crap stick to my throat and I use it exactly as described..

Silent wheeze, small bronchial tube

Although the medicine helped significantly with breathing at first, it caused a bad cough and I developed mucus problems I hadn't previously had. I also developed horrible pains in my knees that the Dr.s can't figure out with no prior history of problems, directly corresponding to the start of this med.

It gives me a sore throat when I use it. It feels a bit like I'm coming down with strep. When I stop the med, the throat pain goes away. Too bad, it seems to work but the side effects are becomins increasingly intolerable.

I seem very intolerant of asthma medictions in general.

Runny nose but not sure if it is from Breo

I can finally breath! I have been taking adair for years and using my rescue inhaler at least 3 x a day. I could hardly walk any distance because I would be out of breath after a short time. After taking Breo I can actually walk and even run without being short of breath. No more wheezing also. I love this medicine, hardly ever use my rescue inhaler any longer.

Constant raspy cough with some mucus that did not exist before starting this medicine.

While it does help significantly with the shortness of breath, I may have to discontinue if the cough continues or worsens. Feels almost like bronchitis. I am hoping that this is only temporary as my lungs get used to this medicine.

None really, except for a minor sore throat at times and occasional minor dry cough

It does seem to be helping and I am less short of breath.

BREO ELLIPTA (FLUTICASONE FUROATE; VILANTEROL TRIFENATATE): This medication is used to prevent and decrease symptoms (wheezing and trouble breathing) caused by asthma and ongoing lung disease (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-COPD, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema). This inhaler contains 2 medications: fluticasone and vilanterol. Fluticasone belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids. It works by reducing the swelling of the airways in the lungs to make breathing easier. Vilanterol belongs to a class of drugs known as long-acting beta agonists. It works by opening airways in the lungs to make breathing easier. When used alone, long-acting beta agonists (like vilanterol) may rarely increase the risk of serious (sometimes fatal) asthma-related breathing problems. However, combination inhaled corticosteroid and long-acting beta agonists, such as this product, do not increase the risk of serious asthma-related breathing problems. For asthma treatment, this product should be used when breathing problems are not well controlled with one asthma-control medication (such as inhaled corticosteroid) or if your symptoms need combination treatment. Before using this medication, it is important to learn how to use it properly. This medication must be used regularly to be effective. It does not work right away and should not be used to relieve sudden asthma attacks. If an asthma attack occurs, use your quick-relief inhaler (such as albuterol, also called salbutamol in some countries) as prescribed. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I've been on bystolic 10 mg in the evening with another drug in the morning with a water pill every other day. Dr switched me to 10 mg of bystolic in the morning and 10 in the evening with a water pill. I am feeling weak legs are weak insomnia and shortness of breath. I never had any of this when I wasn't taking meds. I know I need to because of my bp but I don't know how much more I could take. Feeling like an invalid spend most of my days sitting around. Never had this before! Seeing md Friday which I know already he will tell me I'm crazy. I never had any of these symptoms before meds. Please help!!

I work for a pharmaceutical company and if I were the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) I would re-visit the manufacturer of this product and review all these awful side effect with the intention of pulling this product off the market.

The worst facial pain and migraines i've ever had in my life!

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anxiety panic attacks be able to l

I have had lupus and Sjogren's syndrome for the past 12 years and already have fatigue, joint pain, hair loss, dry skin. I wouldn't know if the drug was causing side effects because I already feel most of the side effects described and have learned to cope. Actually, the femara has made me feel a little better due to lack of estrogen.

short episodes of extremely uncomfortable chest tightness. ER ekg, xrays, bloodwork showed no obvious cause, but the ONLY change in any aspect of my health was starting Lovaza just over a week before.