Bravelle (urofollitropin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Bravelle (urofollitropin)

bruising at injection site, bloating during ovulation

Side Effects forbravelle (urofollitropin) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

Excessive sweating, constipation, headaches, anger, weight gain

I used Aleve rarely over the years with poor results on headaches. Tried it again to cut down on Excedrin usage. This morning I took two. Thirty minutes later palms and fingers began tingling, felt tongue swelling, itching on back of head, neck and shoulders. Started having chest pressure, trouble breathing and coughed up phlegm (I thought) but it just looked like saliva. Thought about going to clinic but I knew I would look like a Tourette's patient with all the scratching. After dealing with it for thirty minutes, things eased up.

Viibryd decreased the physical components of anxiety, but mental components were increased. The pounding heart beat went away, but I lost charisma and gained social awkwardness. I was getting very negative mental flashes, including images of my own death, yet before the med, that never happened. I am not suicidal. It was just disturbing.

I've completely discontinued use of Restasis. I wouldn't recommend this medication.

My blood pressure is increasing and a symptoms of asthma which i did not experience when i don't take Dexilant.

Weight doubled from 150 to 300 lbs. Freakish sweating. I was NEVER suicidal or self-harming until I took this drug. I was sober when I began taking this drug; I began drinking. Then they diagnosed me with Bipolar Disorder I mixed episode. Then also on Wellbutrin 225 mg and Abilify 30 mg. I AM NOT BIPOLAR. Currently off all meds except 37.5 mg Effexor XR and soon will go off of that. WITHDRAWAL HAS BEEN HELL. Effexor XR is a stimulant. So is Wellbutrin and also Abilify. If I really had Bipolar Disorder, why would the docs prescribe 3 stimulants. I am mad about this.

Have anxiety and dizziness from other medical conditions but this has accelerated it to the point I cannot even walk. Ear problems like air swooshing through them. Very very depressed, fatigue is awful. Did not put it together with Nystatin until I found this website, these symptoms do not show up on drug side effects but obviously I am not alone! I am through with it, will have to go with natural remedies and hopefully can clear it up.

I have been on many b/c pills since i was 18 due to irregular periods and this one has been the worst. I dont know how Ive lasted 2 years on this without switching to something else! After the hyperpigmentation started last year and showed up again this summer (horribly bad right after Im in the sun), I finally called my doc and got a prescription for Loestrin. Also high mood swings during PMS and week of period. My husband has noticed it too and said he thinks its due to this pill. I am so glad to be off of this! Would think Yaz is better than this sister product.

Anxiety, dizziness, slow breathing, panic attacks, thoughts of suicide, depression. Also was prescribed Xanax. I will never take this drug again. The first night I was afraid to go to sleep for fear of dying in my sleep. It took about a week before depression and suicidal thoughts came. I just stopped taking it and the Xanax and immediately felt better.

To the person who posted on 03/30,, PLEASE WEAN OFF NOW... I took it for 3 weeks and it ruined my life for a year. You will get COMPLETE insomnia and a nervous breakdown if you dont stop. now.. It is the most evil drug..Every horrible thing you read is true and more, Take this as a serious warning.