Bontril pdm (phendimetrazine tartrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Bontril pdm (phendimetrazine tartrate)

constipation, mood swings, high blood pressure

I did not loose enough weight because the drug stopped working after about a month. I felt high in the morning and irritable at night.It also made me overly emotional. After I quit ,I was feeling down for days.

It worked for me. I tried it for one month and I lost 15 lbs, also because i was also watching what i ate. EAT VERY LOW CARBS AND STAY AWAY FROM ANYTHING THAT HAS SUGAR! FRUIT IS OK BECAUSE IT'S NATURAL SUGAR. DRINK LOTS OF WATER. THE GOOD THING IS I DIDN'T EVEN EXERCISE.

Side Effects forbontril pdm (phendimetrazine tartrate) - User Comments


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Flushing, burning, panic attack due to symptoms. These subsided after three or four weeks, but occasionally they return.

No side effects that I would attibute to the Cipro. Thought I was getting foot and ankle pain. Turned out to be bad shoes.

Bactrim basically poisoned my liver. The doctor said it would take maximum 9 days to feel better. 3 weeks later still no better. Doctor's are now starting to panic(or covering their asses) and sending me for all sorts of tests which have all come back fine. Now they want me to go for a TB test. Where would I have contracted TB from. For such a contagious disease everyone around me is perfectly healthy. They screwed up by prescribing this medication and are now clutching at straws. I did get a 2nd opinion and that dr. couldn't understand why Bactrim was even prescribed. He said it such an old medicine and there is much better on the market. The only reason he sees for prescribing this medication is because it is cheaper and insurance companies reward drs. for keeping costs down.

I was on Ortho tricyclen for about 6 years, which was great because I did not experience any side effects. However, my doctor recently switched me to the generic brand, Trinessa, and it has been a disaster. Depression, no sex drive, breast tenderness...I just called my doctor requesting a switch ASAP!!!!

tooth pain, sensitivity to cold and hot. never had before taking nasacort

Severe muscle cramping in lower body.Palpitations and congestion.Ears plugged and overall ill feeling.

I have hypothyroidism which causes my gi issues, I have to stop taking this and maybe stick to antacids like Tums or Gaviscon!

dry cough - leading to sleeplessness

Would not recommend for anyone with anxiety disorders or depression!!!

The med made me gain weight, but it totally helped my depression!!!That being said, even AFTER I stopped the med, I wasn't able to lose the weight I gained no matter how much I dieted or exercised. It's like my metabolism had completely changed.