Basaglar (insulin glargine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Basaglar (insulin glargine)

I believe this does not work at all. After fasting for 3 or more hours glucose count is 510 during day. Go to bed at 272 and wake up 350. Doctor keeps telling me it's working. Not with high counts like that. Can't get a good answer of hiw to tell not working. Seems like this med is water in a pen.

I'm stopping this as it does nothing. Garbage!!

The pen has problem..its very hard to use..hope the company fix it

Bloding. Pain in stomic. Dizzy

Weight gain, depression, uncontrolled blood sugar

I shouldn’t have stayed on this for as long as I have. I’ve tried everything to lower my readings which were always perfect on Lantus. Basaglar is a garbage. -T1 for 54 yrs.

Severe stomach pains, dizzy, nauseous, blurry vision, heart palpitations

Not as effective as Lantus, I have been on both and definitely Lantus has been more effective for same dose.

Basaglar is not at all as effective and was put back on Lantus but now insurance has dropped it completely and won't cover it. I am very disappointed, but I know it's all about cost. It's never about how effective the drug is compared to another.

Taking basaglar for type 2 diabetes

This medicine should be RECALLED!!It had caused my stomach to bloat, joint pain, and worse of all severe stomach cramps then constant diarrhea thru the night and if you're sleeping that don't stop there diarrhea from happening!

I'm sooo displeased and down right fearful for anyone on this horrible drug!I can't believe the company doesn't have a lawsuit yet!

Not helping sugar levels. Stopped taking and levels actually better.

I started gaining weight as soon as I started it, and cut my calories to less than 1200 and low carb. As soon as I started it, I noticed my resting heart rate dropped to 60 and is normally in the 70s. Sometimes when I would check it, it would be as low as 53. Also noticed pings in my chest. Stopped taking it after day 11 and within 12 hrs my heart rate returned to normal.

it lowers my blood sugar way to lay. I have lost so much weight since being switch to this insulin. I do not like it at all.

I am now having pain in my stomach and side that the Dr.cannot find the cause..

Recommended take 2xd. 23 -28 u in morning, 18-22 @nightBlood sugars are very seldom good. Specially not in the evening.

This stuff does not lower my blood sugar at all. I take 55 mg twice a day with metaglip that I just started yesterday. Maybe the pill takes time to work? Any advice is helpful

Feeling more hungry, tired, bloated, anxiety and BS escalate highest to 20 mmol (300)

I was using Soliqua that was right for me. Since I started I am feeling bad and confused. Blood sugar always high

Back pain, tingling of arm and leg. Blurred vision, weight gain 30 pounds. Tiredness.

Does not work my BS is running in the 400-500 . It makes my belly feel hard, bloated, swollen, and very uncomfortable after injection. Seems that it actually makes my Blood glucose level rise for some reason. I would never recommend this to anyone.

Started with severe numbness... then weight gain. Was filling up with water to the point where I could not take a deep breath.

I stopped using it after 3 nights in a row it took my sugar to 32 in a split second. Fine one second almost pass out the next. This drug was never properly tracked due to similarities with l a n t u s

It is dangerous. Heart palps poor vision heavy legs...

insulin pump broke, turned to injection

Extremely high blood sugars. Will go to bed at 83 and wake up at 350.

it does not last as long as it should. my lantus used to last 24 hours without fail and keep me level until my next injection before I switched to a pump. my insurance made me switch to basaglar as my backup insulin for if my pump breaks, and when it did the basaglar has been a nightmare. it seems to lose its efficacy after about 16 hours which is just unacceptable because my blood sugars inevitably go through the roof.

Does not work well. Have to go atleast 12 hours fasting to get bs to normal.

Side Effects forbasaglar (insulin glargine) - User Comments


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inpatient and maybe a liitle rati.

The first time I took this medication was to induce mentruation. Dosage: 10 mg, one pill daily for 7 days. My period came 4 days after the last pill. I am giving it a 4 because it made my period come like it was supposed to but other that it was not the greatest when it comes to the side eefects for me obviously. This cycle I will be taking it form cycle day 21-28 to regulate my cycle because I am tryin g to get pregnant.

Cool medicine, works wonderfully (Me travel) inserted intervaginally

STIFF neck accompanied by stiff neck headache and rebound headaches galore

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some abdominal cramping, but I cannot definitely attribute it to this medicine

must have something in my stomach to avoid acid reflux (I eat 2 or 3 plain crackers) but it has helped considerably with the pain in my knees, back, shoulder (DJD) and hips (both have been replaced), take the generic and am very happy. Had tried tramadol which did nothing.

I have been suffering with an excruciating pain in my upper left area of my abdomen, and also my left shoulder. I have managed to hi-lite which medication causes this, if I don't take pregabalin, LYRICA after about a week the excruciating pain subsides, once I am back using the meds within days the pain returns but its getting worse

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