Bactroban (mupirocin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Bactroban (mupirocin)

Applied this cream to wound and felt immediate burning and itching. The next day I awoke covered head to toe in a rash. Also experienced blurred vision which, luckily, returned to normal after 3 days.

I experienced an allergic reaction to this cream and would not use again.

It appeared to help lessen swelling & infection at wound areas within one nights time.

I use mupirocin at the very first sign of a cystic acne forming, I put it on at night after cleansing and it prevents the pimple from getting too big or red and i feel like it shortens the life span of the cycstic acne.

BACTROBAN (MUPIROCIN): Mupirocin is used to treat infected cuts or wounds. It is an antibiotic. It works by stopping the growth of certain bacteria. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Terrible pain in right leg practically unable to walk and i was worried i would lose my job due to so much pain and having to call sick in several occasions,finally i went to the doctor because i had blood in the urine and he told me to stop taking this terrible medication .also affected my memory and hair appears to be thinning ,not knowing what it was i started taking all sorts of vitamins and natural products ,but only work for little time and the pain returned until i stop taking rosuvastatin after 2 days the pain started to disappear and was able to walk with less pain, i hope i feel back to normal in a week from now.

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I had terrible anxiety and SSRI's like Lexapro just made me worse. I was taking benzos for the anxiety. I took Remeron 15mg for a week and experienced all the side effects, sleepiness, head in a fog, could not think or drive, weakness in arms and legs. After a week, the fog lifted, and Imy anxiety went away. I stopped taking the benzo's immediatedly and started sleeping again. The doctor is now increasing me to 30 mg and I getting the weakness in arms and legs again. I really have not seen anyone else report that but I am really sensitive to medication. I have gained about 12 lbs. but the weight gain has now stopped and I am trying to lose it again by exercising and eating more fruit. This is a great drug for anxiety. I hope I can continue to tolerate it.Eat fruit when you have the food cravings.

I have taken this med before with no problem so I thought this time would be the same, was I ever wrong. Shortly after taking my first dose, I began to be very agitated. I couldn't get comfortable. Then I noticed a pain in my hip that would not go away no matter what I did. I tried to sleep and would have terrible nightmares. Numerous times I awoke in a cold sweat and had to take a shower. The next day awoke in a freezing cold sweat with heart racing. Stood up and almost passed out, legs very shaky and heart racing. I realized this was from the levaquin and stopped immediately. It took another 24 hours to begin to feel better and I would never want to go through that again it was horrible. I would suffer through anything physical over that!

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Don't use it! Just cut down on smoking and you'll quit. 3 doctors can't diagnose my facial outbreaks, now they think its herpes simplex 1. I had perfect skin before.

After the birth of my first child I was diagnosied with hypothyroidism and started taking Levoxyl 75 MCG. With the birth of each additional child the thyroid would become more diseased. During my pregnancy with my 3rd and 4th child my thyroid level became normal without medication which baffled doctors. During a 3 year period I was on a thryriod rollercoaster going between hyper and hypo. About 4 months after having my 4th child I began having hoarseness. Endo did blood test that showed my body produced the antibodies that caused graves disease and hashimotos (spell?) disease explaining my rollercoaster thyroid levels. One morning I woke up unable to utter a sound. After 3 weeks of not being able to speak my Endo finally saw me. Endo kept telling me I did not have thyroid cancer only a severely diseased thyroid and referred me to an ENT. First visit to ENT looked down my throat and located the thyroid mass that had gone through the wall of my larynx and scheduled a full thyroidectomy. Had thyroidectomy 21 months ago and finally have good blood work and feel the best that I have felt in 2 years. Since thyroidectomy gained 30 lbs, and now working hard and losing 1.5-2lbs a week and am down 26 lbs. The medication is not what makes you feel bad, it is when you are not on the correct doseage of the medication for you. Just because you are at "normal" range doesn't mean that is your best level. Most women feel better at the lowest end of the scale.

Strong odor to urineInsomnia if taken too late in the dayI feel that I am sometimes too hyper early in the morning, like I get a manic rush an hour after I take Provigil until mid-afternoon.

I have been taking 300 mg for about 8 months and it has helped to stabilize my moods; I have had little or no side effects. I am also taking Ambien.

I suffered from persisant acne since I was a teen. I had tried every over the counter med, nutritional and herbal remedy, but nothing helped. Even prescription topicals and anti-biotics were no help. Accutane cleared up my acne immediatley and it never came back. I am now 10 years clear!