Baciim (bacitracin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Baciim (bacitracin)

Horrible. Pain all over my body! heart racing, burning legs omg! Head pain, could not sleep. heart is pounding. breathing is nuts. ear ringing. very anxious. my skin feels as if it is burning.

BACIIM (BACITRACIN): This medication is an antibiotic used to treat certain bacterial eye infections. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This medication treats only bacterial eye infections. It will not work for other types of eye infections. Unnecessary use or overuse of any antibiotic can lead to its decreased effectiveness. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

Side effects: Moody, depressed, teary, much like the Premenstrial Disfunction Disorder I get only it's the wrong time of the month, started the very first day. Nasty taste in mouth

Many people I know love this medication - this is just what happened to me

Insomnia, and high heart rate. Went from birthday 68 to 105, safe to say I'm done

saved my life!!! i feel like me, normal, at peace, i can play with my kids, keep up with my housework, waitress on the weekends and much more. i can get out of bed!!!! without fighting horrible thoughts, feelings of suicide, anxiety about anything and everything. its like a miracle drug for me. GOD is my miracle drug as well. i have tried it all, including bipolar medsthis one seems to be IT!!!!!!!!!!! THINK POSITIVE, DONT GIVE UP THE FIGHT, THERES A DRUG OUT THERE THAT WILL WORK FOR YOU.

Terrible taste in mouth, feel like I am going to throw up any moment, nausea to point of not being able to eat, feel like I can't swallow any of my medicine, feel anxious, scared, terrible chills, feel like I have been beaten with a stick.

Dry nose, sores inside the nose.

Seasonal affected disorder, overeat

Worked great for my acne. Side effects aren't great. Experienced exercise intolerance and can't run like I usually do. My heart rate skyrockets when I start exercising like I'm out of shape. In the last few years I've experienced anxiety which has gradually gotten worse. Extreme tightness in my chest. I get anxiety after exercise too. I thought it was just stress so tried Zoloft for a couple of months which made my anxiety worse. I finally wondered if it might be the spiro. Stopped taking it and anxiety is gone so far. Really bummed since it really helped my acne but not worse the anxiety.

Mental slowness, lethargic, dissociation, suicidal ideation, suicidal.

I'm reading all of these ratings and no one has mentioned the condition called rhabdomyolysis. Which is what it looks like a lot of you may be suffering from. This is a dangerous condition and it can kill you.If your doctor is like my previous doctor was then that is the last thing he or she will tell you is wrong. That is if they tell you at all. After all they prescribed the drug.Get yourselves check for this condition by a second doctor before its to late. It is not as rare as they say judging from many of your comments.