Azstarys (dexmethylphenidate hydrochloride; serdexmethylphenidate chloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Azstarys (dexmethylphenidate hydrochloride; serdexmethylphenidate chloride)

AZSTARYS (): To treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

I have used this medication before and it was successful. This is my third outbreak in as many years. However, my reaction this round was quite severe. I am experiencing blistering and what looks to me like Herpes. I have never had symptoms like this before, so I went to get tested just to be sure.After reading some of these testimonials, I feel a bit better, but if this is a common side-effect of the medication, it needs to be made more public - even my doctor had never heard of it.

heart palpitations, heart flutter, increased PVCs, increased number of sleep apnea events, restless sleep, impending doom, anxiety, shortness of breath, chest tightness, extreme sleepiness,

Please be careful! I have had episodes of rebound after going off it after taking it for a few days (1-3mg/day) i.e., added anxiety and sleeplessness. Easy to get addicted to this drug.

I still have mild pitting in my nails- but other than that, it's doing it's duty!

This is just maybe one time that Vicodin did not relieve the pain and Extra Strength Tylenol did. The dentist even suggested I take Extra Strength Tylenol FIRST before the Vicodin. Believe she knew what she was talking about.

tired lighthead not sleeping well

Used it for awhile. I do notice that I get worse when I don't use it. Right now I have my rosacea under control. I use it along with aveeno altra calming lotion (apply around 10 min after I apply azelex). I clean my face with aveeno ultra calming foaming cleanser mixed with some tea tree oil prior to each use. Seems to be working - knock on wood

Side effects outweigh the positives

Small welts all over body with INTENSE itching all over. It is like I rolled in poison ivy or was covered in bed bugs (never have been but this is what I imagine that would feel like) - Took some Benadryl and it helped for awhile. Have been off now for 24 hours and still itchy

I have a pre-existing thyroid condition: Graves' Disease. Because one of the side effects of Graves' is high blood pressure, finding a birth control method was not easy since high blood pressure is one of the main side effects of almost every bc. My GYN introduced me to NR and at first, I was a little apprehensive about the time frame of the ring being inside of me. However, a year later and I am still in love with this product. Even with the Graves' history I have, I have experienced ZERO side effects. I guess, judging from this board, that I'm one of the lucky ones.