Avelox in sodium chloride 0.8% in plastic container (moxifloxacin hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Avelox in sodium chloride 0.8% in plastic container (moxifloxacin hydrochloride)

I want to say that this drug should be re-called and re-evaluated immediatly. 45 minutues after taking my very first dose I experienced severe tremors and an anxiety attack. At first I had no idea what was happening to me. My wife is diabetic, I am not but I thought I was having some kind of low blood sugars. I was able to test my sugars with my wifes monitor and they came in at 95. I called my provider and made an appointment with the Doctor. By the time I got to see him I was still experiencing the tremors. The doctor immediatly took me off this stuff. I seem to be doing better now. If you doctor writes you a prescription for this medicine, do your homework!!!!!

Side Effects foravelox in sodium chloride 0.8% in plastic container (moxifloxacin hydrochloride) - User Comments


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I will go several months without any side effects, but with the combination I think of heat and humidity in the summer, bloat and gas from birth control pills, and Miralax has given be such severe gas and bloating that I have to stop taking Miralax for a couple months or more.

Best medicine ive ever taken for a uti or kidney or bladder infection. I dont respond well to antibiotics. I get dizzy heart races etc. Have NO side effects at all on this medicine and it works very fast!

Monday 8/22 was my last shot for my first full year of being on lupron. A year ago on the 22nd I was given two options hysterectomy or the last hormone treat which was lupron, I was worried after reading/researchig this drug last year I was not going to give this a try. I'm so glad I did! I hadn't had any peirods in the full year that I was taken the shots. I had no pain once I had my appendix removed(covered in endo) Granted its not all great, Side effects were plain crappy. But overall it was way worth it. I've been off lupron less than a week and today I started my period already, I go to doctor on monday to talk about my options. Today i'm right back where I was a year ago, Bent over in pain. Bleeding out. To say the least I will be going back on lupron as soon as the doctor allows it, side effects are worth it.

My period is still as heavy as it was...just started the 4th week of my period...I am VERY frustrated that it hasn't subsided yet. How much longer before this pill kicks in?? I can't wait for things to be back to normal...it's really "cramping" my sex life.

Dry mouth, loose stool, dizziness, upset stomach and terrible taste in mouth.

25 to 30 pounds gained. Can't lose weight even with exercise. Stomach looks like I'm 6 months pregnant. Brain fog, tired.

Don't be scared off! After reading some of the negative experiences, I almost was. Individual people have individual side effects.

Dizzyness, headaches, month long periods, weight gain, painful cramps, tiredness, mood swings...

HORRIBLE HEARTBURN! Hot flashes, ringing in ears, loss of appetite, poor concentration, insomnia.The heart burn and hot flashes started the 2nd day of taking this medication. I only have 2 days left and i can't wait to be off of it!!!

Evryone reacts differently on certain drugs, but because of the frightening side effects I've experienced, I would not reccomend this to anyone. I've been to the ER, just to be sent home and told to have a follow up with my regular doc b/c they can't find anything wrong with me. I'm due for another shot in january of '08. My last shot was 10/16/2007. Is anyone experiencing similar side affects? Did anyone have these side effects and stopped getting the shot? How long did it take for these side effects to go away? I notified my OB/GYN about these side effects, and she said that she's never heard about any of this comming from the shot. I just want to feel normal again!! Please e-mail me at [email protected]