Austedo (deutetrabenazine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Austedo (deutetrabenazine)

worsening dyskinesia, insomnia, suicidal thoughts

The experience was a total disaster for me. I have been off the drug for several days and am still having side effects.

My symptoms are still there just not quite as bad

Lip smacking body convulsions nausea

Wish they would make something that would work and antipsychotics that did not cause this!

AUSTEDO (DEUTETRABENAZINE): Deutetrabenazine is used to decrease involuntary movements (chorea) caused by Huntington's disease. It is also used to treat involuntary movements of the face, tongue, or other body parts (tardive dyskinesia). However, it is not a cure for the Huntington's disease or tardive dyskinesia. Reducing involuntary movements will help you take part in more of your normal daily activities. This medication is thought to work by decreasing the amount of certain natural substances in the brain that affect how your nerves and muscles work (monoamines such as dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Her pediatrician prescribed this.


I took Effexor for about 7 years. I had the kind of depression where I was mad all the time. (How come no one ever talks about that?) I tried Effexor after a year on Paxil (tried EffexorXR once, but it didn't work) and I was pretty happy with it, except for the side effects- (drowsiness, lack of mental sharpness). I would lose my train of thought in the middle of a sentence, and it was embarrassing, but better than killing myself. I took an extremely low dose (75 mg per day) and it worked well until this past year. I have increased the dosage 2X, but still feel depressed. My Dr. gave me the option of increasing dosage or trying something else. He encouraged me to try Wellbutrin XL. Right now, I am dealing with the withdrawal, which for me are

Hot Flashes, night sweats, fatigue and constant cold/flu, insomnia, slight weight gain, some acne, depression/moodiness.

Bloating, acne, nausea, cravings

The first two weeks on 25mg were fine. The moment I bumped up to 50mg, I won the Lamictal Lottery with a brand new itchy rash on legs and one hand, folliculitis, and a heaping side of raging acne for dessert.

FVL, Lupus Anticoag, DVT, Double PE

Weird dreams or Nightmares (which I normally DO NOT experience). Strong metalic taste.2 instances of diarrhea.

Nausea, abdo swelling, dense headache, lethargy, mouth ulcers

I developed Bell's Palsy after my first shot. My Pcp, the ER doctor and a specialist said I developed Bell's Palsy from the vaccine. Never had it before and I am still recovering from it.