Asmanex twisthaler (mometasone furoate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Asmanex twisthaler (mometasone furoate)

Increased my lung functioning. No issues with side effects, but I brush my teeth immediately after use to avoid thrush. Only downside is the cost of the prescription.

Was on Qvar previously and would end up with bronchitis and asthma flare up every time I got a cold. Asmanex has help keep the amount of times I have needed to go on oral steroids. I gargle after using and have had no side effects.

Anxiety, inability to focus, irritable, mood swings, out of control behavior

My son has been on Pulmicort (inhaled through the nebulizer) for about 5 years (he is almost 6). Unfortunately he still has at least one or two serious episodes per year that generally turn into pneumonia. His Dr. switched him to Asmanex hoping to avoid these issues. After just a few days my normally easy going docile son, was getting reports sent home from his teacher that he was "acting out" in class, not concentrating, and unable to keep his hands and feet to himself. I assumed he was having trouble adjusting to Kindergarten, although found it odd that he did very well for the first month, and starting having problems in the second month. I noticed he was acting strangely at home as well..Being very short tempered with his twin brother, not sitting well at the dinner table, not sleeping well, and having tantrums. All of these things are TERRIBLY out of character. Only after a full three weeks did my husband say "He is acting like he does when he is on that steroid." (he has behavioral issues whenever he is very ill and has to do a round of prednisone)... It was like a lightbulb went off over my head! I took him off of the Asmanex and returned to using the Pulmicort. Within two days his teacher said he was a completely different child! She confided in me that she was actually preparing to contact me for a meeting to discuss the possibility of testing for ADHD, or even to see if my son was on the autism spectrum. I am really glad we made the connectio

Lots more energy! Trouble staying asleep.

It seems to work for me. I also take albuterol and spiriva, but I think I could do just as well without the spiriva, just using albuterol and asmanex.

ASMANEX TWISTHALER (MOMETASONE FUROATE): Mometasone is used to prevent and treat seasonal and year-round allergy symptoms (such as stuffy/runny nose, itching, and sneezing). It is also used to treat certain growths in the nose (nasal polyps). Mometasone belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids. It works by reducing swelling (inflammation) in the nasal passages. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I'm on my day 8 with this provera and my gynea wants me to take it for 3 months and this is my first month. I just hope it's going to help me.

my hormonal acne cleared up (cheeks/jaw) but acne on forehead got worse due to anxiety/stress/depression-- which i think was because of the spiro--it made me very moody. Ruined my period cycle-- i was bleeding for almost 3 months straight and then having only spotting everyweekalso hair on head got much thinner-- personally dont think side affects are worth it but its different for everyone i guessits worth a try and really did clear up my hormonal acne, but i stopped taking it yesterday and am going to try some new methods that keep my period cycle normal because that really affects your emotional state-- maybe birth control, vitex, or just vitamins from now ongotta remember not to give up or let acne/other cosmetic issues dictate your life--outlook on life is everything and i realized the less i focus on trying to cure the acne the more i enjoy my life doing the things i like and then acne gets better with this positivity anyway-- its like what they say about chasing happiness!

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If your on it, just use it till you can get control and get the hell off of it!! Withdrawl symptoms are hell also, you think that your relapsin, when in fact it is only withdrawl.