Asacol hd (mesalamine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Asacol hd (mesalamine)

This medication works, but is overpriced. Without insurance it costs over $1000 for 180 tablets. Also it is coated with DBP. I guess with every medication a price has to be paid.

No side effects. Asacol HD has worked great for me! I was diagnosed with UC in 2001 and took Asacol 400 mg for 10 1/2 years. Then I experienced a major flare and was put on Asacol HD. It only took a couple of weeks to notice major improvement and a couple of months to be in full remission. I am extremely happy with this medication and highly recommend it.

Bloating, abdominal pain, sudden bowel movements, lathergic, difficulty staying asleep, made colitis worse.

It worked for the first 8 weeks. After that things regressed. I thought I was having another flare up. Did my research and found the drug to have too many side effects. There is lactose in this as well, which I cannot tolerate (most who have an IBD can't!) and I feel contributed to my digestive problems. I've been off of Asacol HD for only a few days now and haven't had any bloating and sudden urges. I'm still bleeding but will seek other treatments for this.

This medicine works. I also take 4g salofalk daily for 3 months. I had to change my diet to 5 or 6 small meals daily, all healthy and eat only soluable fibre (no skins of fruit of veg)but my diarrehea is gone and UC is under control. I am reducing Asacol over past month and now down to 2 x 400 mg and 4g salofalk every other day and my hair loss has reduced also, I think if I can reduce further it will be ok. I am hopeful it will grow back. Other than hair loss, I have tolerated this drug well.

fatigue, nausea, headache, severe rash

It did nothing for my diahrea. Maybe made it worse. I was run down and felt bad. Magnesium levels dropped from diahrea and was getting bloodwork every month. Stopped taking it and am starting to feel better after about 3 weeks. Rash went away after a few days.

ASACOL HD (MESALAMINE): This medication is used to treat a certain bowel disease (ulcerative colitis). It helps to reduce symptoms of ulcerative colitis such as diarrhea, rectal bleeding, and stomach pain. Mesalamine belongs to a class of drugs known as aminosalicylates. It works by decreasing swelling in the colon. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I personally don't think they work for kidney infections as I'm 6 week in and two lots of these antibiotics now. Still not right.

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I am almost done with my 3rd month on Loestrin. I only had naseau during the first week or two, and in the first month I broke out on my upper arms and shoulders. I occasionally woke up sweating in the middle of the night maybe the first 2 months. I am getting occasinal headaches which I never used to get! So I will keep an eye on that. My breasts have been very tender this month, they are also larger. I have had no weight gain. Sometimes I feel sad, but I am not really any different emotionally than I was before. My periods have been brown spotting for about 2 days, not really periods, and I get heavy bloating about 1 day of the month where I couldn't suck my stomach in if my life depended on it! I take the pill at 2pm everyday, I set my phone alarm, that has been working out well. I am also keeping track of any side effects to see if they fall at the same time of the month. I have not lost my sex drive. Loestrin has been working pretty good for me. Although I have a few side effects,

Be very careful with this - I took it for 3 months believe that its affect on the mind is indirectly linked to the immune system functioning - if you are an othewise phyically healthy human you may risk compromising the proper functioning of the T-cells which may have UKNOWN consequences, the worst being autoimmunce disease which will make you very sick with flu-like symptoms and unable to get better...please beware.

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I found it really didn't do anything at all good or bad. Not sure if I needed to up the dose and stay on it longer. Could others please include the dosage they were on for ocd purposes.

Still have gerd, but doc wants me to continue with this to halt the barrets.

So far so good! Only two more nights to go.

Laryngitis & hoarseness, but the worst was that Candida yeast infection I developed in the back of the mouth & throat, inspite of the rinsing of the mouth immediately after using the disk. The hoarseness started about 5 days into usage & the Candida appeared at 4 weeks.