Aricept odt (donepezil hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Aricept odt (donepezil hydrochloride)

77 year old father started on 5 mg, but when increased to 10 mg we noticed the constant nose-running, then dry skin on forehead and dark urine....Tearful eyes...Then came 4 or 5 sickness episodes,nausea...,belching and burping soon after eating...very bad dreams along with sleep disturbances...urinary incontinence..slow bowels(5 days etc)....Father became "vacant" and did not initiate any conversation...

In hindsight we wish that my father had never been put on this medication as he suffered so much whilst taking them...We also stopped the statins that my father had been prescribed for years as he had no history of heart problems but we found out that a possible side effect of simvaststin could be memory issues!...We also found out that Aricept can cause all these unwanted side effects because it over-excites the para-sympathetic part of the nervous system which controls glands/excretions etc..hence the watering eyes,runny nose,stomach secretions,urinary/faecal overstimulation....My fathers symptoms started gradualy after the increased dose of 10mg and when we noticed the first symptoms of runny nose,rash and dark urine the doctor just said it might need time to settle down,It didnt settle down, it just got worse until 3 months later we stopped it without seeing the doctor,..After about 7 weeks we felt that the Aricept was finaly leaving his system and he is a much happier and relaxed man now.....We are without doubt that all these side effects came about due to taking Aricept as my father has had excellent health up until then...I wish that the doctors had explained in much more detail about how dangerous this drug is and how drastic it can effect peoples health..... I hope that this information helps someone as I was truly shocked to learn how many people out there have suffered from taking this drug

My 88 year old mother started taking this drug for memory loss. She had nightmares, could not sleep, anxiety, more confusion, feeling of helplessness, very depressed, loss of appetite, weak. She would curl up in a fetal position in bed and start crying and wonder why she was still alive. She's off the Aricept and after a complete blood work-up, her other medication (thyroid) has been adjusted. I think the combo of the two drugs was really bad. I think Aricept was really bad for my mother. I feel really bad I had her take it and keep taking it. I just kept thinking the side effects are temporary. Now with her meds being adjusted, I would never have started her on the Aricept to begin with. Her mind is so much clearer. Before you even consider Aricept, make sure the doctor does a very thorough workup on your loved one to make sure that there is nothing else causing memory loss/confusion. And if I understood correctly, her loss of appetite caused her renal function to go down.

Side Effects foraricept odt (donepezil hydrochloride) - User Comments


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I am a sensitive girl in the first place, but I can tell this made it more extreme, in a lot of ways as far as moodiness goes.

anxiety, high bp, irr heart beat

Recurrence of adverse reactions to previous doses of cipro, i.e. shooting pains in bottoms of feet and palms of hands, arthritic pain in shoulder, pain in achilles tendon. The last time I tried it I got some of these plus a lower back ache.

Tingly scalp itching extremely bad all over, fatigue, many many more to list but my 24 yr girlfriend died of an aneurism and a stroke, she was on this medication 2 different times during two different pregnancys and always told me this medication is very bad. All the side effects or reactions were not realized untill afterwards and also resulted in two of her kids bieng taken by cps for a dirty drug test for methanphetimines just exactly at 1000ml when it becomes a positive at exactly 1000ml 6 months after she stopped taking this medication she died from such an extreme stroke and aneurysm! This drug should absolutely be recalled and is dangerous! It causes bradycardia which my daughter was born with 3 months premature, while given this medication and i firmly believe its a direct result of my girlfriends death and i will not rest or give up until i can prove it and its recalled.

loose stools, then diarrhea. severe stomach cramps. Switched to the liquid loose stools increased. Finished entire course stools still loose, stomach is queasy. Yeast infection. Two weeks later still symptomatic with loose stool and a very sore swollen butt!!

My daughter is the most easy-going happy child. Days after starting Flovent we noticed an extreme change in her moods. She cried over everything, was tired all of the time and seemed depressed.

I'm glad this works for some people, but I was so frightened by this drug that I threw half of my prescription down the drain. It didn't even help me sleep better ....

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When I am on Paxil CR, everything is great, i have a life again. I have recently had some trouble with my doctor's office giving my percription to me on time, so i am now coming off of them. I recommend that if you want to feel like you did before you started taking Paxil CR X 50, DO NOT GO OFF OF THEM ABRUPTLY...I now feel like a zombie.

Doesn't last long. Everytime you need more and more to control the pain.