Ancef (cefazolin sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ancef (cefazolin sodium)

Well, Ancef did such a good job of killing off the bacteria that caused my eye infection, that it also killed off all the good happy bacteria in my vagina and left me with a disgusting yeast infection. I'd rather have my eye infection back.

ANCEF (CEFAZOLIN SODIUM): Cefazolin is an antibiotic used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections. It may also be used before and during certain surgeries to help prevent infection. This medication is known as a cephalosporin antibiotic. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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After taking tylenol regularly for 30 years I have developed a severe case of both diverticulitis and ulcerative colitis. My diet never included the foods normally associated with the cause of theses conditions, and I hardly ever drink and have always led a clean, healthy life style.

OH MY GOODNESS! I was up till 5 am last night and here I am at 1 am tonight with the same garbage! The first few days were okay with mild nausia. Then 3 days ago I woke up with severe nausia and diareah. I'm on anitbiotics alot so I usually tough it through nausia, so that wasn't a big deal. But last night as I layed in bed and thought horrible things and was wondering what on earth was going on in my head.... and I've been "on edge" for the last few days! and then tonight I was laying here trying to sleep and 3 different times I had a wierd head rush, like a lightning bolt followed by a tingling feeling all over my body. Then my heart started racing. I thought I was going to have a stroke or something! The first few days my muscles in my legs were sore but that has since subsided. I feel better from the pnemonia but now I have a whole new plethera of issues! After reading all these and realizing that I wasn't going crazy, I'm just having a reaction to the medicati

Started out at 5mg for the first week and was fine, increased to 10mg and after a couple days had sudden onset depression and suicidal thoughts. Dr took me back down to 5 for a few weeks then went back up to 10. Anxiety is ok, but could be better. Depression And suicidal thoughts gone…biggest side effect is fatigue. If my anxiety is controlled I'm willing to deal with the fatigue.

On just a starting dose, I became extremely fatigued from simply walking for a 1/2 hour. I was NEVER full after eating plenty.

This is the official drug of sleepy-bye land! It will seriously knock your lights out within an hour of taking it. And then you will sleep! Seems like a good choice for a panic attack, since it is so sedating.

Experience tired ness lack of energy. Can't do anything

It's amazing how such a small thing can make such a huge impact on somebody's life! My mood swings are probably one of the two biggest problems along with me never being able to stop bleeding unless I take the combined pill? Which again makes me more moody, and when I say moody, I mean MOODY I tend to snap at everything anybody says which had ruined a few relationships with people I care about. I also have a terrible time sleeping, I can be so so tired but my body just won't go to sleep and I will be tossing and turning all night or I can be not tired at all and my body just seems to fall asleep when it has the chance, this has effected work and my social life! I also eat a lot at unnecessary times such as 11:00 pm - 12:00 am. I had also had a phantom pregnancy which was pretty scary but at least I got to stop bleeding for a couple weeks! Wow one word to anyone who is thinking about getting one, DONT! The only reason I haven't got it out is because I'm scared of the method the get it out ha!

People have said go straight to bed after taking this drug. I did, but then unbeknownst to me (at least the conscious me) I got up and drove my car. I did that three times and I was lucky all the accidents were non fatal (I didn't get a DUI, kill someone or get killed) although they cost me a lot of money and because of the memory I can't drive anymore without panicking. The thing is after you take this drug, you don't know when you are getting up and what you are doing. The effects for me didn't wear off during the day and I would be crying (I'm male) for every little sad thought that came into my head. In ambien trance I resigned from my job and wrote a despicable letter to my boss, thus burning the bridge. This happened in a bad economy so I was without a job for 3 years, and currently settled for a job with half the dough. In an ambien trance I told my wife I wanted to have sex with her friend and told her to prostitute herself for money. I nearly lost her as well. At first I took the drug at the doctor prescribed dose of 5-10mg. Once I was addicted I took more. I was on the drug for 2 years. Getting off the drug took 3 months with all the symptoms of benzodiazepine withdrawal. Drug seeking behavior, rebound insomnia, panic attacks, shaking hands, eye twitches, and delirium. During the withdrawal I was a total jerk with anger tantrums quite uncharacteristic of me. This drug DESTROYED three years of my life and I'm suffering the after effects and I'm not sure for how long.