Amnesteem (isotretinoin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Amnesteem (isotretinoin)

This medication has the capacity to destroy your entire life in ways that may be impossible for people to imagine. It is cytotoxic and kills cells throughout your body; not just your sebaceous glands! Don't listen to dermatologists if they tell you that the drug selectively targets your oil glands and not the rest of the body, THAT'S A LIE!!! I am off isotretinoin for 4 years and my entire body is destroyed permanently head to toe: severe tendon pain, cracking and snapping in my joints, weakness, muscle damage, inability to walk for more than 30 minutes, digestive problems, painfully dry eyes that require an entire bottle of eye drops every few days, severe hair loss, painful menstruation, hormone problems, feeling like my brain and memory has been irreversibly damaged, and this is from 7 WEEKS OF A LOW DOSE. Oh, and you know the great thing about this horrible poison - the terrible permanent effects started only a few months AFTER stopping the drug. I quit it early because my liver e

IF YOU'RE SUFFERING YEARS LATER, AFTER STOPPING ACCUTANE AND CAN'T FIGURE OUT WHY....IT'S PROBABLY THE ACCUTANE!!! I thought that side effects, if they hit you, would happen while you're on the drug. Wrong! So many people I know had their bodies PERMANENTLY DESTROYED FOREVER weeks, months, or years after stopping it...even if you feel TOTALLY FINE while on it, just wait for the nightmare to develop. It's a matter of time until your body starts falling apart, after you take this absolutely vile human poison

Joint pain, cracked lips, skin rashes, irritabilty, anxiety

AMNESTEEM (ISOTRETINOIN): This medication is used to treat severe cystic acne (also known as nodular acne) that has not responded to other treatment (e.g., benzoyl peroxide or clindamycin applied to the skin or tetracycline or minocycline taken by mouth). It belongs to a class of drugs known as retinoids. It works by decreasing facial oil (sebum) production. High amounts of sebum can lead to severe acne. If left untreated, severe acne may cause permanent scarring. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

First month on Buspar, no relief from anxiety, had leg pains. 2-3 month on drug, developed severe headaches. Then any excitement positive or negative would cause insomnia and anxiety. By 4-5 month mind racing, forgetfulness, and constant insomnia. I started walking a couple miles a day, then would swim for twenty minutes I figured I would eventually exhaust myself to sleep - no way. Even taking 10mg of Ambien, could not sleep. Went to ER, they gave Ativan, that was no help. Dr. prescribed Celexa - that exaggerated all negative symptoms. Finally started sleeping when got off all drugs, but used Ambien for a week, then it took about 3 months to get back in normal sleeping pattern. My doctor was upset, he thought I should be taking more drugs. This drug is poison. Please read Medication Madness by Dr Breggin. It's about the effects of SSRI's, Buspar isn't mentioned but side effects are same, over stimulation and toxicity.

Bed inside Tremors, fast heartbeat. I thought that i was going to die.

My side effects happened on the 2nd day after taking it. Therefore it took me awhile to add up where my illness was coming from. Also, it didn't happen EACH time, but would skip a month or two. I normally was very healthy, but this acted like the flu about 4 times/winter.

It seems to be working and another 3 weeks I'm scheduled for a routine liver function test. I hope to not be on this stuff for more than 4 months if I can help it! I should add that I have never been a big drinker and lead quite a healthy lifestyle (gym 3 times a week).

Did not help with pain at all, and caused extreme dizziness and constipation

1st month it really helped all day but my blood pressure has returned to its prior level within 8 hours. I have also developed a mild cough that hits perhapse once or twice a day. It seems actually to have aggrevated a post nasal drip cough ... not worth quiting the meds. Now am on beta blocker too, but pressure remains high and stress brings on arrhythmia and shortness of breath (already have asthma)

It works for me. The side effects are annoying but its fine. I think people need to watch themselves carefully during the first months. Also, if you dont have to take it during the day time then dont. Take it before sleep. It works best this for Fibro anyways.

Having an autoimmune disorder makes me suseptable to other diseases anyway so that side effect is no biggie to me. Have been on it continually for over two years. As much as 60mg per day and as low as 5mg every other day. Currently at 17.5mg daily and unable to go lower. It is a terribly nasty drug with horrible side effects but without it, I would be bedridden. Prednisone or Pain? I'll take the prednisone.

asthma/allergies (dust, mold, etc.)

Some of the side effects I've experienced are anxiety, depression, sleeplessness, some episodes where my heart rate increases for no reason. Some days nervousness and anxiety are really bothersome.