Ambien cr (zolpidem tartrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ambien cr (zolpidem tartrate)

I had previously taken Ambien 10 mg, usually half of the 10 mg pill on going to bed and, sometimes, the other half of the pill if I woke up in the middle if the night. The side effects were not nearly as strong as those with the CR version. I also would wake up the middle of the night after taking the CR version and was unable to get back to sleep. So this delayed release version did not work for me.

I do not recommend the CR version for sure.

insomnia/ traumatic brain injury

Totally cured my brain damage where I can function normally in my brain and have more creativity and optimism about living life and creating things differently and also it made my quality of life worth living !!!

cures destroyed neurons in brain and rebuilds them to a Normal level and raises levels of brain activity in people with brain damage and autism spectrum disorder!!

Cured my brain damage also now I can function more normally !!! And express myself (:

Ambien could cure and reset the brain (: no lie or joke !! I promise

Suicidal thoughts and aggressive behavior. I was fine taking this at first, it definitely worked to put me to sleep, however, I would wake up in the middle of the night and have to take more. I was prescribed the Zolpidem generic.

I did not tie in my suicidal ideation with the Ambien until yesterday, and did my research and found that it was a common side effect. Previously, I woke up in the morning and looked forward to the day. For the past several weeks, my thoughts have been primarily centered on how I can off myself.

Trouble sleeping from chronic pain.

This medicine works well. It might not work as long as it once did.

They work on my anxiety but they have caused me to not remember certain things

Good helping pill for sleep and anxiety.

Wanted to kill myself while on this medicine. caused severe mood swings. Caused severe depression long term and when I stopped taking it I felt normal again.I also drove on it after taking my dose before bed and don't remember driving. Scary stuff!! It does work to promote sleep but these other side effects out weight a good night sleepI take melatonin 10 mg at bedtime and it works without any side effects.Please don't get trapped and stay away from this dangerous medicine.

Only drowsiness, and some intense conversations that I couldn't remember to safe my life..the next morning!!Need 8 hours of sleep, and take it on empty stomach..!! Otherwise it takes for ever to kick in..!

Finally gave me restful sleep... Sleep is golden for me...especially since I have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease..Edluar is awesome, but really kind of Winderdrug...

I had terrible head pain, Occipital pain and they say it caused neuralgia. The pain got so severe, I have a nerve block done in my high part of neck into my skull. I stop and went on Benadryl and that works fine for the insomnia. I also couldn't remember anything, and ate like crazy in bed with no memory of it. It did knock me out but can't tolerate the head pain.

headache after waking up, increase anxiety, worse insomnia, HORRID withdrawls, builds tolerance quick (have to take more drug for same result)

These are no safer than benzos like xanax and klonopin etc. They are addictive and will mess up your natural sleep architecture. Don't let any doc tell you that the z-drugs are safer than benzos because they are equally addictive and withdrawls are as bad or worse. If your not sleeping find ways to destress your life and relax. NEVER START ON SLEEP MEDS...

I tried 5mg (half a tablet) on the first night and did not sleep at all. I had a paradoxical reaction to it and had racing anxiety and irritability. I felt very irritable and anxious the next day.My GP advised me to take a full 10mg the next night. I had visual hallucinations (seeing everything in triple) and stayed awake the entire night, with racing anxiety.I had an adverse reaction to this medication.I was not taking any other medications at the time.

This is called Stilnox in Australia.

Hallucinations. At the time I was working nights. I came home ate breakfast took a Ambien Cr took a shower before going to bed. I started seeing people in the bathroom with me through the shower door. I would open the door and they would disappear. I got out of the shower and went to get some clean underclothes. The next thing I know my wife was waking me up asking what I was doing in her bed .The last thing I remember I was standing in front of the dresser. Needless to say I tossed the pills. Another person I know took this ordered some stuff on line anddidn't remember doing it.

Depression/anxiety unable to sleep

Memory loss is severe, once I've taken tablet I cannot recall anything that happened after i took the table the next morning, be it social media/phone calls etc. it is extremely disconcerting

Very vivid dreams, can take a while to fully wake up

No side effects, excellent drug. I used to take Lunesta after two years I realized it stopped working. This seems to have worn off a bit but I have no "zombie" effect during the day the way I did with regular Ambien. I haven't tried to come off it so I can't say anything to that. My insomnia originally started almost 13 years ago and I got the best sleep with this medication.

I really have not had any severe side effects from this medication which is unusual for me. I just thought that this medication was not working and then was put on another medication which was absolutely horrible and I never want to take another dose of Doxepin ever again! If taken correctly under the guidance of a good doctor who knows what they are doing then they can and will help monitor your progress and if they are even concerned about their patients then they will take the time to listen very closely to what the patient is saying and then make the appropriate adjustment on the medication. I also did not have the heavy hangover feeling the next day and after 8 hrs was ready to get up and did not feel heavy all over which was what I had on Doxepin. This drug may not be perfect but it is so much better than suffering the other symptoms that I experienced on Doxepin and by the way this drug will never touch my lips again.

Basically I never have had any unusual side effects to this medication like night sweats, swelling of the hands and ankles, dry mouth or cravings for sweets all the time. If a good doctor who really cares about their patients will listen to the patient and find out just how meds do affect them then they will know what can and cannot be given to the patient. Because you yourself know your body better than anyone else and that even includes the physician.

hallucinations at night, but good sleep.

the bad part of this drug is that I have fibromyalgia and I had an immediate increase in pain that I didn't connect to the drug until we did some online research. I don't recall any problems for me of getting off of it, but then, I don't have problems w/an addictive personality either. It does its job, but the side affects aren't worth it. I quit cold turkey

This drug WILL knock you out. and you sleep a good 8 hours. but now try getting OFF the drug is where you have a problem. Causes Insomnia, anxiety, flu like symptoms, agoraphobia,

RLS, Headaches, nausea, diarrhea, heart pounding and much more, DO NOT EVER TAKE THIS DRUG! Can take up to 2 years!! 2 years to fully recover from taking this drug!! It is one of the worst things I have ever done with my life and regret ever taking one!!

I agree with the other person who said this drug should be banned. I was taking regular Ambien which helped me fall asleep, but I'd still wake up in the middle of the night. Prescribed this and I will say it worked, big time! However, you do things and don't remember them while on this which is definitely unsafe. Stopped taking it when I actually had intercourse with my husband and couldn't remember doing that. Plus, if I missed even one night of taking this I had horrible insomnia and would not get one bit of sleep. I only took for about a month, the risks just weren't worth it to me. But will say if you want something that will help you fall asleep and are desperate, this will work!

I take with Seroquel 100mg and a muscle relaxer due to a spine disability I have; works well. Makes me a bit cranky and feeling a bit weird, but pretty effective. Starts to stop working, no matter what. I then switch to Lunesta.

AMBIEN CR (ZOLPIDEM TARTRATE): Zolpidem is used to treat a certain sleep problem (insomnia) in adults. It helps you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer, so you can get a better night's sleep. It may also reduce the number of times you wake up during the night. Zolpidem belongs to a class of drugs called sedative-hypnotics. It acts on your brain to produce a calming effect. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I started taking xanax about 2 years ago...i was having horrible panic attacks everyday and i thought i was gonna die. xanax is a lifesaver be/c i now take it whenever i feel any sort of anxiety coming on. now i can go months w/out having one and if i do i know i have my xanax. i usually put it under my tongue when i feel one coming on and it usually takes about 10 minutes and i feel back to normal..each pill is .5mg so sometimes i have to take multiple pills when i'm having an attack..i totally recommend this to anyone who is experiencing anxiety of any kind....

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This medication took away my panic attacks and physical feelings of anxiety. Symptoms of depression have improved. No longer feel agitated and tense. At a higher dose (30mg) it has helped my OCD.

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