Alvesco (ciclesonide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Alvesco (ciclesonide)

ALVESCO (CICLESONIDE): Ciclesonide is used to prevent and reduce the symptoms (wheezing and shortness of breath) caused by asthma. Controlling asthma symptoms may decrease time lost from work or school. This medication belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids. It works by reducing the swelling of the airways in the lungs to make breathing easier. This medication must be taken regularly to be effective. It does not work right away and should not be used to relieve sudden asthma attacks. If an asthma attack occurs, use your quick-relief inhaler as prescribed. Keep track of how often you need to use your quick-relief inhaler, and tell your doctor. If your quick-relief inhaler does not seem to work as well, if you need to use more than usual of your quick-relief inhaler for 2 or more days in a row, or if you need to use more than one full canister of your quick-relief inhaler over a 2-month period, seek immediate medical attention. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Short term, I don't think you can potentially understand the Drug and how it benefits from it long-term use.Out of all the different types I have tried "Paxil,Zoloft Ect) This is the best by far, after it's ups and down's the first couple of months.

All I have been getting is slight cramps so far

Bad metalic taste in the morning... sleepy in the morning.

Here is my WARNING! I have been on Topamax for 2 years when I first started I had the normal tingles but i had those before soem memory lose but I had those with the Migraines, blurry vision had that to with the headaches BUT! in 2/09 I filled my script and when I got it home my pills looked wrong I called the pharmacy and was told that they filled it with a genric, which never told them to but it was cheaper I was told same formula big deal... the doctor had changed my dosage so when I started to have issue's I thought it was because of that. it was not everytime I took this generic drug I was in fact making myself sick. I had intense pain,stomach spasms, severe blurry vision, migraines got worse,my heart would race to the point I thought it was going to jump out of my chest, my hands started to swell, the last straw came when i passed out and had to have 6 stitches in my knee. I talked to my doctor again and this time I told him I was not taking topamax anymore unless he wrote me another prescrition and made sure that it was not filled with generic.. I happened to be in that small percentage of people that can not take generic drugs. Generic drugs are not all the same. so please before you give up on Topamax look at it and make sure it is not generic.

At first headache and felt some nausea.. but passes. It gives me energy and desire to do things. Helps with depression instantly.

I have read where 14 other people died from leukemia while taking this drug. My husband had never been sick a day in his life. He injured his back and took this drug. I believe it killed him. Something should be done.


loss of sex drive. any intoxication related side effects eventually went away with tolerance but the effect of preventing migraines was still there. like people have said it sucks if you miss a dose.

Bloating can be addressed by drinking plenty of water and taking daily walks. Constipation can be addressed by eating apples, vegi's, and a supplemental bran product (inactivity and sitting too long does NOT help this condition!). Itchy scalp is annoying, scratching it can aggravate the condition, and little can be done for relief (I use Tea Tree Oil shampoo). Cramps in calves can be an indication of being sleep deprived, inadequate hydration, and a need for mineral supplementation. I increased my water intake and ate a banana daily. Relief from discomfort with the help of Lortab is subtle (for me). I am only aware of it's effectiveness when I go without taking any for a couple days. I've determined that I don't need to take it "once every 4-6 hours", as a dose in the morning seems to be effective for most of the day. I find taking two tabs to be more effective, but I fear increasing my resistance to it. I also intentionally stop taking it for a couple days every couple weeks. Better too, that I avoid from taking any prior to the end of the day.... as it it disrupts my sleep. An unusual side effect has come to light since taking Lortab. My demeanor has changed and I am taken more seriously since taking this med. My unusually happy demeanor has changed, and I am now less tolerant of nonsense.

i take somas for fun as a drug illegally here latley i cant get anything from them two nights ago i took 8 at one time and felt nothing my girlfriend took 4 she felt them last light i took 6 at once than i took 1 every ten minutes until i got to 20 and my girlfriend took them away saying im giong to end up dead i never felt them not even a little bit i remember i used to take 3 and would feel them now 20 does nothing maybe i need dalaudid #4. send them to me now thank you.