Alocril (nedocromil sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Alocril (nedocromil sodium)

in the begining I had no side effects. But then after a while I had the weirdest allergy. When I took the drops i would feel burning but in the vaginal area. It was like the burning went through my eyes and through my body. It could have been a reaction. Everytime I tried it again, I would have the same reaction. So that was the end of that medication.

But I did have great results for the first year. It might work better with others. I would give it a try.

ALOCRIL (NEDOCROMIL SODIUM): This medication is used to treat itchy eyes due to allergies. Nedocromil works by reducing the release of natural substances in your body that cause an allergic reaction. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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