Alinia (nitazoxanide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Alinia (nitazoxanide)

I'm no longer taking this medication. It worked very well. However, please know that it takes 6 months for your body to heal. So even if you take the medication & you still have chronic diarrhea it does not mean you still have it.

My GI doctor gave me Alinia after recurrence of C-diff following a round of Vanco. I more or less refused to take Flagyl, because of the horrible side effects. Doctor says it is "cutting edge" to prescribe Alinia for C-diff. The research is very recent, but it suggests Alinia is just as effective as Flagyl or Vanco. My diarrhea stopped in two days, and I feel fine.

ALINIA (NITAZOXANIDE): This medication is used to treat diarrhea caused by certain parasite infections of the intestines (Cryptosporidium parvum and Giardia lamblia). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I'm on 100 2x a day. I have withdrawl within 12 hours from this. Severe enough I can't stand straight and cant see properly. All in all its still worth it I think if you take it as you are told.

This drug is dangerous! It made my life a disaster. Should NOT be approved for pain issues, it destroys your life! Shame of FDA and any Dr. that prescribes it for pain.

Hi med zetia is very dangerous to anybody.After stopping the zetia, I have continued bad symptoms of headaches every day, leg muscles cramps, stomach pain, diarrhea, chest pains,Dizziness, balance problems forgetful, confused at times. Every part of my body aches.Why was this medication approved???? It's poison and dangerous!!!!

horrible experience, could not breathe or communicate, a chemical straightjacket

never begin taking this medication without drug sensitivity testing

I went cold turkey off the oxycontin for 29 days prior to being switched to mscontin. I experienced stomach cramps and of course pain from the lumbar spine that the medicine was to control. I would not recommend trying this. Overall it was a very effective pain med but it did make me nervous at first.

none, I took a small amount usually to help me fall asleep. My advice, try giving up caffeine and you may not need the drug afterall.

I took the generic form of the drug. I would rather put up with the three month long menstral bleeding, weight gain, hair loss, depression, etc. than go through what this medication has put me through in the past few days. I can't wait for this to be completely out of my system!

I took it in the morning with my prenatal vitamin. Negative effects seemed to be exacerbated by eating something high in Vitamin C. If I have to take it again, I would only take it at night & not eat anything afterwards.