Alamast (pemirolast potassium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Alamast (pemirolast potassium)

This is one of the best eye drops for allergy that I have ever used. I have a terrible allergy to Mountain Cedar and this winter has been particularly bad. My eyes water and itch so badly that I can hardly stand it. After applying one drop in each eye (two drops if they are particularly itchy), after about 5 minutes the watering and itching have stopped and I can see again.

Side Effects foralamast (pemirolast potassium) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

take 2 packets morning one in the aternoon

Euphoria, lots of laughter, light hallucinations, both audible and visual, Very much like being baked out of your mind.

I have Fibromyalgia and the energy was great at first and I could breathe but I had trouble sleeping and panic attacks.I used 1/2 what my doctor prescribed.Maybe short bursts of use would be better than long term continuous use.That wouldn't make the drug companies enough money though.

I switched to Lunesta and it works much better.

bi polar ptsd ocd severe anxiety

Weight gain right from the start of taking the Quetiapine. I never had a problem with weight before, but gained 40lbs in first year and always struggled since. Quetiapine, combined with an SSRI does help with OCD intrusive thoughts, but I am still very depressed. I am just existing, not living. I pushed myself for many years to overcome lack of motivation and apathy, but eventually it all got the better of me. Mental illness totally sucks. Side effects of meds are really bad, but often overlooked by “professionals” as they want us to shut up, take the pills and not bother them.

It has been more than two weeks since my first/only dose and I am thinking that this drug is not for me!

I covered the site with gauze pads and tape, used bandaids when I could but the adhesive burned my skin too. After using for a month, my derm gave me some Biafine. That took the burning and itching away instantly although I need to use it more than the prescriped use. I bought some Aquaphore - that helps lots. Keeps the air from getting to it. The BCC is on my colarbone and everything rubs from seatbelt to clothes. Very uncomfortable, over the course of 3 months, it is starting to look better but is still very sensitive. Not sure the sensitivity will ever go away. New stabbing sensations have shown up.

Was prescribed by my family doctor after testing positive for Influenza A type H1N1.

tiny burn marks on my arms and legs (looks like someone bumped me lightly with a cigerette); itcy dry skin; bad acne; - most happened when doc told me to increase from 50mg to 100mg in one day!! Still these things happen, but not as often or as bad.