Akne-mycin (erythromycin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Akne-mycin (erythromycin)

Severe stomach cramps, nausea, unable to eat, loose stools, feeling very 'heavy', listless

I am stopping NOW having read the comments on this web-site. Thank you so much. I would rather have the acne than continue to suffer the side effects.

Side Effects forakne-mycin (erythromycin) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

Period is light and short. Gained about 5 lbs. Worst side effect is the SEVERE mood swings. Lost friends, irritating family members, about to lose my boyfriend. Constantly creating fights for no reason whatsoever. I'd be happy one second, crying another, then ready to kill someone the next. I have also tried Tri-sprintec for two years (which is the generic of Ortho-Tricyclen) and had similiar side effects. However I was able to control the mood swings. My doctor suggested a pill with lower progestin, either Zovia or Brevicon. Not sure if I should stick it out a few more months or switch to Zovia next.

Gained 15 pounds, 2/3 of hair fell out roots and all, severe tooth decay resulting in over a dozen fillings and two crowns

AVOID THIS POISON TO ANY PRICE !!!!I've been stupid enough to follow Dr DRAY's videos, and to follow her advices for the tretment of enlarged pores. After just 8 days of use, my skin, eyes and mouth became completely dry, so i stopped immediately.TOO LATE: the damage was done. My skin recovered a few, but my eyes worsened week after week, and one year later, i still have a terrible dry skin (which was oily before) and dry mouth and nose.DIFFERIN is like Accutane: long-term consequences, which can appear later. Worst decision of my life, it ruined it.

I never had a problem with body odor. I had to continually get prescriptions of Diflucan to treat the yeast infections. I found out that the muscle aches and joint pain caused by Lupron is because some medications cause inflammation. Taking anti-inflammatory medicines helps some. I was tired of taking so many medicines, so I went natural. Lemon water with Cayenne pepper. I drank three or more bottles of that every day for about a month and the severe muscle aches and joint pain left. I would just pour it into a water bottle and drink it throughout the day. For some the cayenne pepper might increase your hot flashes, but drinking extra regular water will help. Cayenne pepper is an anti-inflammatory. I don't know if that will flush out the medicine, I doubt it but I know I got relief from pain and stiffness without the other drugs like ibprofen and tylenol types that can also slightly reduce the affects of the Lupron. Either way it helped reduce the side affects and my iron levels increased from the lupron because I didn't have a period at all. That was great! Worst part, I almost lost my job because I was so sick. I was harassed until I told them I was on a chemo drug. Then they backed off after I provided documentation from my doctor. I hated that because it is a personal situation. Lupron is a Chemo therapy drug. Which is ok, except my doctor played down the whole treatment thing. The fibroids did not shrink except one, but not to make a difference. It was worth a shot.

My hdl and ldl #s have improved greatly, however I am afraid to continue. I exercise at a gym twice a week and walk every day for exercise. I am disappointed that none of my doctors even brought up Niaspan as a possible source of my problems. Thank you for this opportunity to learn from others. I hope this might help other women connect vaginal problems they may be experiencing with this drug. Why do we have to be detectives? I came to the conclusion myself about the vaginal problem one night when I forgot to take the Niaspan and I did not burn from Replens. I think I may have reached a toxic level with Niaspan. I am not sure if that can be tested.

I have had very sharp abdominal pains that was followed by breakthrough bleeding. I have been on an emotional rollercoaster and feel as if I am pregnant. After 17 days, I can not fit into my pants.

1st shot upper left arm...didn't expect such widespread side effects..no matter - i'm sure worth it .!!

Weakness, extreme fatigue, flop sweat and then chills. Mental fog, difficulty getting through a full day of work.

I'm overall pleased with it. The reason I take it is to prevent pregnancy and to help minimise period pains. Triphasil is getting the job done. I just wish they could figure a way to make it not affect our moods.

Weight LOSS (which is why I REALLY like it), but I also haven't had a panic attack since it 'kicked in' (about 2 weeks after I started it) almost 2 months ago.