Afrinol (pseudoephedrine sulfate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Afrinol (pseudoephedrine sulfate)

This stuff is terrible. Dizziness, nausea and increased heart rate

Major nausea, spinning room, tight throught, tingling inner head movements like liquid, trouble sleeping and confusion

I was ready to call 911 because of the major spinning room if I lay or tipped to my right side. Dr provided other medication to counter act Afrin - almost like Sudafed sideeffects. Also prescribed nausea medecine for a few days until the other counteractive medecine takes effect.

Was used by my ENT Doc to open up my sinus

WOW....This stuff was fabulous.I have a deviated septum and have only ever been able to breath out of my right nostrilI was given this to open my sinus so they could scope my nose and it not only drained my sinus in a few seconds but it made me able to breath from both nostrils..For me a very unique experience.It lasted well over 12 hours.Just wish it could be used all the time but reading up on it i see its only for a few days use.I wsa gonna go back and ask him for a bottle of this had a chronic sinus infection for 4 months and this was a huge relief..even if it was fleeting..ahhh well!

This kept me up all night. It was like taking a energy shot.

This didn't even clear my congestion really.

nasal stuffiness while sleeping

No side effects. I take this only very occasionally and never more then 2 nights in a week.

I've been warned by my doctor to take this VERY sparingly. He would prefer I do not use it. But sometimes I'll wake up at 3am or so with a stuffed up nose. By that time it is too late to take Benedryl or something else that knocks me out.

No side effects that I was aware of

I would be wakened by blocked sinuses and if particularly bad would use Afrin at about 3:00 am. This always worked very well. If I used it too often the beneficial effects would drop off after 3 or 4 nights. The relief would occur in less than 2 minutes and would last for 12 hours, whereas all I wanted was enought to get me through the rest of the night. I stopped the semi-regular use of Afrin on the advice of my doctor, but still use it occasionally.

horrible nasal damage and chronic congestion

Side Effects forafrinol (pseudoephedrine sulfate) - User Comments


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THIS IS A MIRACLE DRUG if you want to quit smoking. I have been smoking for 7 years and have tried to quit multiple times. Have tried cold turkey, the patch, the gum with no success. I started wellbutrin XL and I have been smoke free for over a month now. There are absolutely no cravings. I relapsed once and had a cigarette with zero satisfaction. THIS IS THE WAY TO QUIT SMOKING!!!

Avoid Cymbalta at all costs! Felt great for the first two months, the next two years were a nightmare of horrible depression (worse than being un-medicated), psychotic episodes brought on by increasing dosage from 60 to 90 mg, alcoholism (which had never even been remotely a problem), and went from 155 lbs. athletic and fit, to 193 lbs. and severely depressed to where I did not leave the house for four months if I wasn't working. Withdrawal symptoms are horrible, but after switching to B-complex, Omega 3's, Melatonin (to sleep), and 5-htp, I feel much, much better. No more horrifying nightmares either.

This pill(loestrin24) is horrible!!!I was ok, until two weeks ago, when i started feeling very nervous and started getting panic attacks, i never thought something so small could cause me so much pain..these last couple of weeks i have been crying for no damn so emotional, i just want this to i stopped the pill 5days ago am starting to feel better a day at a time..I feel a bit depressed like i dont want to leave my house i cry for every little thing,my hunger is down, i lost weight, this pill has made the last couple of weeks hell!!if anyone had advice please reply back!!

It caused a metallic taste in the mouth permanently, caused a taste distortion and burning mouth syndrome. Now I am a patient at a Taste and Smell clinic. Quality of life is ruined.

I have had migraines for 30 years and nothing has helped. My doctor out of desperation put me on this once a day at bedtime, and it is really helping with controlling my frequent migraines and daily tension headaches.

Heart palpitations, increased heart rate, mood swings, depression, irritability.

With in four days the hot flashes went away!!! To many bad effects to stay on Climare.

This has been a great help for me. Once I take I do not leave the house. It's much better than Lunesta for me. I sleep very sound, my husband has tried to wake me in the night and I have no recollection of this. I get up feeling refreshed. At first I was taken the brand (CR) generic was just released and it works just as good, but much less money.

very very tired and sorta hungry but maybe it was just me

I started to lose what I had gained on Ortho Tri-Cyclen, but the increased nervous tension was almost constant. The longer I took it the more frequent panic attacks occured.