Afrezza (insulin recombinant human) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Afrezza (insulin recombinant human)

AFREZZA (INSULIN RECOMBINANT HUMAN): Inhaled insulin powder is used with a proper diet and exercise program to control high blood sugar in people with diabetes. Controlling high blood sugar helps prevent kidney damage, blindness, nerve problems, loss of limbs, and sexual function problems. Proper control of diabetes may also lessen your risk of a heart attack or stroke. This man-made insulin product is the same as human insulin. It replaces the insulin that your body would normally make. It is a short-acting insulin. It works by helping blood sugar (glucose) get into cells so your body can use it for energy. This product is absorbed into the blood through your lungs. It starts working faster and lasts for a shorter time than regular insulin injected under the skin. It is usually used in combination with a medium- or long-acting insulin product. This medication may also be used alone or with other oral diabetes drugs (such as metformin). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I will never consider taking it again

When my body was first adjusting to the medication I gained some weight, had major carb cravings and felt sort of emotionless, but now, I don't have side affects and the cravings I use to have are under control. Ive even lost 30 pounds as a result of WW. I have a slightly elevated heart rate, but that could also be due to the fact that I am anemic

HAIR LOSS - I have hair down past my waist that is thinning. I am developing baldness. Have bald spots. I was taking 2,000 mg and have cut down to 200 mg but I'm still experiencing hair loss.Restless legs and dizziness with high dozes. It does help with anxiety and sleeplessness.

Acne, facial spots especially when exposed to the sun, body rash from sun exposure, headaches during entire period.

DO NOT TAKE. Ecspecially if you are prone to anxiety. My doctor said I had a sinus infection and prescribed prednisone, Nasacort and Allegra. It was hard to figure out what was messing me up so bad. I stopped the prednisone day 1, I took Nasacort for 4 days and was wondering why I was so anxious, dizzy and nauseous. I went back to the doctor and they said I had vertigo and prescribed Antivert. I was confused because I knew this dizziness was random and not normal for me. I read these reviews and decided to stop taking Nasacort. My anxiety was to the point that I could not drive or go to work and I have never been this bad. This medicine made me backtrack big time and I can't wait until the effects wear off so I can go back to work.

this is my first birth control,i like it, but i hate the side effects, right now im experiencing nausea & i guess depression too. been crying too much also. hmmm i think i should stop it.

major weight gain, has slowed me down a bit, but I'm not bothered by it - I still move too fast anyway

Haven't had a seizure in almost 3 years. Tried 4 different medications, and this one was the only one that seemed to work. Side effects include fatigue, and word finding.

Well I was going into m y second week and had no bowel movements what so ever. Very constipated. Mild headaches. Haven't seen my period as yet which is wierd because I have all the symptoms of it but it just hasn't come as yet. no appeitite. Scared to eat certain things just by the way they look or smell. i have been eating meat like chicken and stuff but like the rice and pasta, the starch part I'm just not that interested oin eating. I do pass gas and it is very smelly but I just can't pass and stool. It's Scary. I stopped taking Xenical. I did lose a lil weight but that was because i wasn't eating, because I was afraid to eat because of the cramps that i got by being on the meds and eating.

I have never been so depressed in my life. I have gotten mean, screaming about anything. Anxiety through the roof, paranoid, can’t go out in public. Im not suicidal but this drug made me. It is THE worst, I thought viibyrd was bad. I couldn’t calm myself down to sleep I think everything I do and think is wrong. My mind feels blown up. I am supposed to go back to see dr. but I do not want to go in another bipolar/ schiz drug. I am scared. Why can’t i have ect?! It’s cruel what I have to go through.