Afinitor (everolimus) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Afinitor (everolimus)

Tiredness that got better. Edema in ankles after several years. Hair thinning.Joint pain

After 5 years on Afinitor doctor said I should consider going off of drug. It can cause high blood sugar and high cholesterol. I had neither of those but opted to go off. 7 months off only monthly hormone injection and cancer still stable.

Palpitations, elevated blood glucose, leg pain, headache, nose bleeds

This drug needs to be off the market. There are too many side effects. One of the main ones, rising glucose levels have thrown patients into Diabetes.

AFINITOR (EVEROLIMUS): Everolimus is used to treat various types of cancer (such as kidney, breast, pancreas, lung, stomach/intestinal cancers). Everolimus is also used in people with a certain genetic disorder (tuberous sclerosis complex) to treat certain types of benign tumors in the brain or kidney. It works by slowing or stopping the growth of cancer or tumor cells. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I know without a doubt it was the Aleve that caused this reaction. Although I had taken Aleve several other times in my life without a reaction I will never take this drug again. And in seeing how many people had reactions to this drug just through this website it shouldn't even be available to anyone, especially over the counter.

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