Aerospan hfa (flunisolide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Aerospan hfa (flunisolide)

This was prescribed as a steroid inhaler intended to improve my breathing. I was OK the first 4 days and it did improve my breathing to some degree. On the 5th day on Aerospan I got a mild stomach ache and bad diarrhea. The 6th day just the mild stomach ache but gas and rumbling in my stomach. On the 7th day I thought I had gotten food poisoning. I had the stomach ache, was very dizzy, light headed, extremely exhausted, had tachycardia, and in the afternoon I got very nauseous and vomited. I then felt like I was running a fever and then got the chills. I was belching, had lots of gas, dry mouth, sore throat, muscle aches and difficulty walking the leg cramps were so strong. I pulled the sheet that came with Aerospan and read the possible side effects and these were all listed. I went off Aerospan for 3 days and everything cleared up. Since I wasn't sure if it was the medication or food poisoning I took one puff after being off Aerospan for 3 days and everything flared up so it was Aero

AEROSPAN HFA (FLUNISOLIDE): Flunisolide is used to prevent and treat seasonal and year-round allergy symptoms (such as stuffy/runny nose, itchy eyes/nose/throat, sneezing). Flunisolide belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids. It works by reducing swelling (inflammation) in the nasal passages. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I was prescribed this drug to treat my snoring problem by an ENT specialist to help shrink the nasal polyps which she believed might cure the snoring. After applying about 3 cannisters of it, my snoring was cured. However, I started to lose my sense of smell gradually without even realizing it myself until my daughter asked me if I could smell something really fowl in the house then. 5 years have gone past since then and I still can't smell anything at all. I told my ENT specialist when I visited her later over the loss of smell and told her of my suspicion of this dangerous side effect but she somehow did not agree with me. For your own benefit, don't use this drug especially over prolonged period as you never know if you are going to end up like me.

None the first time around. 4 yrs later - and 7 hours ago. 1st dose at 30mg. Belching and a very gurggly stomach. A little sleepy, too.

Must be one of the worse drugs out there for antibiotics, stay away from this stuff.

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