Adriamycin pfs (doxorubicin hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Adriamycin pfs (doxorubicin hydrochloride)

Side Effects foradriamycin pfs (doxorubicin hydrochloride) - User Comments


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depression neuropathy insomnia

Postpartum Depression-VERY VERY BAD

Prior to taking enbrel I couldnt even turn over in bed without severe pain.I was like an old man.My life has been transformed by enbrel and I am not exaggerating.Of course I am concerned about the long term effects but live for today and be happy.

Difficulty breathing, tightening of the chest, trembling, dizziness

I have been taking elavil since my car accident. I was a competitive sports guy. Powerlifting, football, etc. Started out with good results from the medication but after 4 years on 50mgs I'm going off the stuff sleep or no sleep. I never really slept most of my life because of hyperactivity. I took up Tae Kwon Do and never felt better. Joints and muscles get stretched and worked like never before. Fibramyalgia went away and my sex life is back again. My best friend is a nutritionist and I have been on a regiment of vitamins which absolutly work.I'm 56, very active, and feeling good. My email is [email protected] if you want to know exactly what I take and do for exercise. I will return your email.

this birthcontrol was GREAT until my blood pressure started going up.....and the headaches...and the upset stomach...there are alot of side affects.

For me Wellbutrin has been great.

just wish my doctor had really made me aware of these nasty side effect's as after a short time onthis medication I returned to my doctor and complained of aches and pains but was convinced that the bad out weighed the good this medication would do for my bone denisty.

I love the medicine. Has helped me with anger outbursts, fits of rage. Nothing seems to bother me anymore. No jealousy feelings, and I think more logically.

I was having horrible cramps. A stabling pain in my side. Cold sweats, heart beat was threw the roof, Blood in my stool, Throwing up,Bloating and burning sensation.