Activella (estradiol; norethindrone acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Activella (estradiol; norethindrone acetate)

Sodium laurel sulfate allergy-1xdaily-2 wks, then 2x wk-severe fatigue, blood pressure increased markedly, anaphalaxis..(have known sulfate, sulfite, sulfide sulfa allergy)

Now trying compounded med instead but similar blood pressure elevation..note acetate content & BP/clot/stroke warning. Advised to continue temporarily & stop if symptoms continue..request another alternative.

Anxiety was a nightmare for me but activelle has helped tremendously, also my hot flushes subsided

I got diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis after 7 months of taking this.

Excellent hrt!!! I feel and look fabulous! Thank you!

I suddenly start to have periods,abdominal pain nd swelling,swelling of feet,constantly tired,eating too much,migraine,pain inside my right breast,flu ,severe sinusitus,sore muscles pain in my right eye

I will never ever advise anyone to use this tablet very dangerous.i was cery healthy besides the hotflushes and know i feel terrible and weak no energy

It completely eliminated the hot flushes, the insomnia is somewhat better but I am worried about being on HRT long term. I seem to be hungry all the time and have to fight not to eat too much - even so I have put on a stone. I've decided to come off it.

ACTIVELLA (ESTRADIOL; NORETHINDRONE ACETATE): This medication contains 2 female hormones: an estrogen (such as conjugated estrogen, estradiol) and a progestin (such as medroxyprogesterone, norethindrone, norgestimate). It is used by women to help reduce symptoms of menopause (such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness). These symptoms are caused by the body making less estrogen. The progestin in this medication helps to reduce the risk of cancer of the uterus which can be caused by using estrogen. Women who have had their uterus removed do not need the progestin and therefore should not use this combination medication. If you are using this medication to treat symptoms only in and around the vagina, products applied directly inside the vagina should be considered before medications that are taken by mouth, absorbed through the skin, or injected. This medication may also be used by women after menopause to prevent bone loss (osteoporosis). However, there are other medications (such as raloxifene, bisphosphonates including alendronate) that are also effective in preventing bone loss and may be safer. These medications should be considered for use before estrogen/progestin treatment. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I finally found someone actually many others addicted to the nicoteen gum honestly thought it was just me i quiet 5 years ago have not had a cigarette in 5 years but chew the gum every day approx. 15- 20 pieces a day 4MG I don't know what to do I'm so scared, I just am begging to find answers, I had cancer once that's why I quit smoking in first place... But was ovarian cancer... But decided to quit to be safe, smoked for 25 years I am a 39 year old single mother and I am just begging for help! I don't know what to do or where gotten anymore I'm losin my mind, I went and bought an electric smoke today that so didnt help, I couldn't go more then a few hours without my nicoteen gum.... If anyone knows what to do please contact me [email protected] would be greatly appreciated!! I tried to chew normal gum past few months.. But it's just not the same...Please someone anyone that understands... How can we quit the gum??? Or should I just start smoking again I'm so stressed out!!!!!

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Increased heart rate, sweating all day long with no fever “Chills” and a bad taste in my mouth. A possible side effect that concerns me is I have been sweating “night and day sweats” all day long with no fever, since I started BIAXIN XL, I asked my Dr. and I was told sweating helps the body to get rid of bacteria but today is my 9th day of sweating, Strange !!!! I have never had a problem with side effects in the past on any medication!!! Anyone else experiencing sweating? Your comments will be appreciated!!!! Thanks,

It did seem to help calm my rosace flair; however I was not made aware that the Minocin could cause these side-effects. I was in so much pain from the side effects that it drove me to see a primary care doc for what I thought (and so did the Dr.)was a sinus infection. I was treated with Augmentin 875 for 18 days which caused a whole other set of side-effects - fatigue, insomina, more headache, numbness and tremor in my left hand. In short, my health has taken a downward spiral all because of meds. I've since stopped all antiobiotics and am trying to flush this junk out of my body. I used to be in really good health for my age and I want it back. I will try a more natural approach if I have another flair up. If anyone else has experienced similar side-effects, please e-mail me.

dry mouth, headache, racing heart, loss of appetite, nausea, irritability

Hunger pangs after doses, a few mild hallucinations, a bit of leg pain and high energy. I feel hungry & get stomache aches and mild diarrhea. A few days of feeling high sensation. BETTER focus.

anxiety, depression, anger, insomnia, nausea

It's astonishing how instant all of my symptoms came about. I received my first (and only) shot of Depo right after I had a miscarriage. I've never had problems with anxiety until now. I have been anxious 24/7, I have no interest in sex, or anything else for that matter. I've been suicidal and have even woken my mother up at various hours of the night from being in such pain from cramps I could do nothing other than weap. I have been spotting constantly since the shot and it seems like no matter how often I keep clean, I still have a vaginal odor which I've never had before using this birth control. Although it's convenient, the side effects out weigh the benefits and I DO NOT recommend this shit to ANY woman out there.

Severe hypertension, joint pain, anxiety attacks, rapid heart rate

Joint stiffness/weakness - mainly in ankles, toes, wrists, fingers and knees. Achilles heel tendons constantly feel strained. Joints feel like they creak and pop so much more now.