Acanya (benzoyl peroxide; clindamycin phosphate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Acanya (benzoyl peroxide; clindamycin phosphate)

Mild flaking, too much turned my skin pink (I learned that lesson the hard way).CLEARER SKIN!!!

Basically, the drug is wonderful. I kept breaking out from a staph infection that wouldn't go away. When my skin finally healed, my doc told me to apply this every morning (I do night instead)to prevent this from happening again and my skin looks much better. Even though it worked instantly for me, I'd be patient and give it a few months.

haven't seen anything significant yet..using in combination with differin

ACANYA (BENZOYL PEROXIDE; CLINDAMYCIN PHOSPHATE): This combination medication is used to treat a certain type of acne (inflammatory acne vulgaris). It helps to decrease the number of acne pimples. Clindamycin is an antibiotic that stops the growth of acne-causing bacteria. Benzoyl peroxide can also stop the growth of bacteria as well as reduce oil production in the skin, helping keep your pores open. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I've been taking this medication for 6 years, maybe longer, I buy from Planet Drugs Direct in Canada. 3 months supply, 40 mg $126 including shpg. Lately I feel what I believe is an ulcer, I'm not sure. I've had pain in my lower stomach area every night. I eat very healthy. I do feel anti social at times. Not sure if this is medicine related or not. I would like to get off of this med, but if I don't take it, I can't breathe very well and I can't think very well. My memory has become spotty, but that could be my age. Has had no effect on my libido, I've always had a healthy one.

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Major side effect for me was long and detailed nightmarish dreams.My own personal theory on this is two-fold. First, Paxil almost completely eliminated my high anxiety and panic attacks that I was suffering from during my 3 year bout with agorophobia.However the consequence of this is that the internal fears I felt during waking concsciousness were being suppressed so much, that in my dreaming subconscious state the fears came out in a heightened way.After 2 or 3 months the vivid,scary and often grotesque dreams did subside a bit, and after a year or so I became used to them- even learning from them, as I began to explore the recurring themes and patterns. The second reason why I believe this is happening has to do with the chemical make up of the drug and serotonin.Paxil increases serotonin activity in the brain.The chemical makeup of serotonin actually has similar qualities also present in LSD. Paxil itself is a very very mild hallucinatory drug which has accentuated the images, symb

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The worst side effect is weight gain. I gained about 50 pounds in the first 3 or 4 months. No libido, no orgasm.

Have used other hrt also, but end result has been elevated liver enzyme tests and evidently possible liver scarring. No doctor alerted me to fact hrt can cause this! Be careful, this liver damage also can happen with birth control pills in younger women.