Absorica (isotretinoin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Absorica (isotretinoin)

dry lips, skin. needed moisturizer

This really helped my skin - the other poster seems to be confused - isotretinoin is not a cancer /chemo drug .Perhaps getting it confused with another with a similar name or tretinoin?Has been 8 weeks after the 6 month therapy and still great skin. note that first few months only took 30 mg per day. Make sure you take these with a fatty meal/food -- peanutbutter works.

This medication has the capacity to destroy your entire life in ways that may be impossible for people to imagine. It is cytotoxic and kills cells throughout your body; not just your sebaceous glands! Don't listen to dermatologists if they tell you that the drug selectively targets your oil glands and not the rest of the body, THAT'S A LIE!!! I am off isotretinoin for 4 years and my entire body is destroyed permanently head to toe: severe tendon pain, cracking and snapping in my joints, weakness, muscle damage, inability to walk for more than 30 minutes, digestive problems, painfully dry eyes that require an entire bottle of eye drops every few days, severe hair loss, painful menstruation, hormone problems, feeling like my brain and memory has been irreversibly damaged, and this is from 7 WEEKS OF A LOW DOSE. Oh, and you know the great thing about this horrible poison - the terrible permanent effects started only a few months AFTER stopping the drug. I quit it early because my liver e

Sorry to sound cynical but it's true, I know at least 3 friends who are also in a similar situation like me because of this poison and they had no idea it was the drug that caused this to them because THE REAL NIGHTMARE ALL STARTS AFTER YOU QUIT THE F**KING DRUG

ABSORICA (ISOTRETINOIN): This medication is used to treat severe cystic acne (also known as nodular acne) that has not responded to other treatment (e.g., benzoyl peroxide or clindamycin applied to the skin or tetracycline or minocycline taken by mouth). It belongs to a class of drugs known as retinoids. It works by decreasing facial oil (sebum) production. High amounts of sebum can lead to severe acne. If left untreated, severe acne may cause permanent scarring. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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The side effects appeared 12 hours after taking Boniva. I went to bed with a slight headache and woke up feeling like I had the flu. Severe headache with fever all the next day. I am only on day two after taking the pill and am horrified that I could be in for further symptoms. I will not be taking this pill again. I have back trouble as it is and don't need this making things worse. Flu sypmtoms went away by day two, but I still feel chest pain.

I've been on a low dose,50mg,for 2 years. Miraculous results in clearing up acne but now deal with embarrassing rosacea. A distinct red mask will flush my face in stressful situations or when drinking wine. Since this occurs in mostly social situations it is problematic. Monthly periods have become irregular(4 days later than expected-regularly), painless and greatly abbreviated. Breast size has also increased 1 size. I have also noticed general weight gain in my upper body,arms and chest. Even with adverse affects, acne improvement outweighs side affects for now.

after just taking this i noticed a difference in one day! My dermatologist told me it would take 90 days to get rid of it. I give it 14 days

Dry lips, spots of excema on arms and legs, some joint pain, dry eyes.

extreme anxiety, aggitation, panic

nautiousness, chills, sleepiness, vomiting

I developed severe melasma on my face and my upper lip. it's ugly

How does anyone lose this horrid weight? And No its not associated with stopping smoking (I did that 15 years ago) its directly caused by the start of spiriva respimat and exactly bulged out my unrecognizable midsection. I just want to know if the spiriva caused a new medical condition and how to lose this weight as it it does not feel normal or respond to exercise or diet restriction.

High uncontrollable blood pressure.

Started taking after stroke eventually connected to Factor V Leiden inheritance in connection with birth control consumption. Had been completely healthy prior & took no meds at all until began birth control to regulate periods after pregnancy. Took a month to regulate INR, but has been really stable and I feel really good since. But, I have also regulated my diet & have been eating very well compared to prior to stroke, and have been staying active. I feel keys are to totally avoid fatty foods and really eat balanced - I can really tell I feel aweful after eating poorly. Stinks but it really has helped do what it should. No weight gain - actually loss - but I think that is because of my diet. Usually only tired during heavy blood loss during cycles. When tired - REALLY tired.