Abraxane (paclitaxel) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Abraxane (paclitaxel)

I'm no longer taking this medication.

I was on a trial that was testing abraxane for breast cancer in hopes of shrinking my large Breast tumor prior to the double masectomy that I recently had. They gave me AC chemo after the 12 doses of abraxane and when we hit the 15 mark we were seeing that the tumor was getting larger so they took me off the chemo and moved up surgery to get it out. The side effects from the abraxane were hair loss, bone pain, my legs felt very heavy and I lost my mind and learned that their is such a thing as chemo brain!

ABRAXANE (PACLITAXEL): This medication is used to treat certain cancers (including breast, lung, and pancreatic cancer). Paclitaxel belongs to a class of drugs known as chemotherapy drugs. It works by slowing or stopping the growth of cancer cells. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Nausea, headaches, fatigue and noticeable loss of energy, significant hair loss, lowered sex drive (not too severe), vaginal itchiness and secretion.

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INR varies upon with diet. Healthy equals thicker, less fruits/vegs equals thinner. I eat healthy and let the dosage increase, as necessary. Absolutely no bleeding issues. Do everything I did previously, including hiking, weight lifting, running.

Since starting it 2 years ago I have left my husband of 20 years. I definitley have an "I don't care" attitude and things that used to be important to me simply don't matter anymore. I'm scared to go off of it because it helps my muscle pain so much-I don't want to go back to lying in bed all day.

stepped up to 425 mg over several months and felt very few side effects besides drowsiness and loss of energy, which was minimized by the addition of wellbutrin. Depakote seems to be effective for me in that shortly after going on it my depression (which is cyclical in nature) eased up and and has yet to return. The true test will be how I feel six months from now.

Doctors, PAs, nurses, and pharmacists cannot possibly know all there is to know about a given drug, unless it's one they've prescribed for years. With all the new drugs coming out every day, it would be impossible. Hence, patients should become more proactive about their own treatment. Do the research. Read the very long, very small print about a drug before you take it. Finally, *anyone* who experiences itching or hives should discontinue a drug immediately, and contact their doctor or pharmacist. Hives are a first-line sign of allergic reaction, and you, the patient, could end up dead.

At first he was OK. He has always been a sweet loving person however he takes too many of them and it makes them very aggressive, loud, angry and yells at me in front of our son it has been a complete hell for us every time he gets it.

After the first hour there was some dizziness or lightheadedness when standing too quickly. Just take care when changing positions. For the first week I had a slight headache and some mild nausea but neither was so troublesome I stopped taking meds. The pain wasn't even worthy of taking any other medicine.

Nightmares, sleeplessness, anxious, extreme exhaustion, stomach ache, depression, sore throat, palpitations, tightness in chest, couldn't think clearly, couldn't express thoughts, ringing in the ears