A/t/s (erythromycin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for A/t/s (erythromycin)

ah painful stomach aches and diareah but barable compared to my throat the meds took 2 days to take effect I was prescibed 250mg 4 times a day for 10 days

positive side lost a good 5 pounds

Side Effects fora/t/s (erythromycin) - User Comments


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fidgety,tightness in chest, difficulty staying asleep at night, crying episodes, nervous/anxious, itching, irritibility, anger, rage (had a violent episode) - also didn't help the smoking thing, I did better with that on my own.

I believe that Imuran is the reason I can get my prednisone dose down to a minimal maintenance dose. It took a few weeks to take effect, and the effect was not dramatic for me. I just know I'm at the lowest dose of prednisone I've been on for over a year.

April 2010, I was prescribed Biaxin for an H Pylori infection which I did not have. I was misdiagnosed. I had to take 2 500mg pills twice a day for 10 days. After day 5 days on this pill I was rushed to the Emergency room 2 times and missed work everyday I was on the pills. The bad side effects of the pills incapacitated me to where I couldnt work. My doctor took me off the pills and placed me on another regimen of pills. Which 2 days later I was told to discontinue because I did not have H Pylori. Within 3 days of being off Biaxin, I couldnt breath right and my throat was closing up on me with swelling. Biaxin killed all the good bacteria in my body and now I had to deal with Thrush a yeast infection in my mouth and lungs. Im still fighting it with probiotics, yogurt, garlic, organic cranberry juice and it is helping me out. But I thought I was going to die. I will never take Biaxin again and the company should be sued.

I took this drug as a first dose 10 days ago. I started to notice right away my anxiety was heightened but i didnt think it was the pills. So i cont to take and as i cont to take it things went from bad to worse. I began to feel crazy and lose my mind, I wanted to hurt myself and was afraid i was going to hurt other people. I have never been a violent person and never took drugs or anything, and I didnt have a desire to hurt people i was just afraid i was going to. I had to have my mom stay with me because i was so scared of being alone. I finally stopped the medicine after the 4th dose. I didnt sleep for 3 days until finally i slept but still felt out of it. Now its beginning of day 6 and Im still having severe problems. I have anxiety, panicky and nervouness all day. I cant focus at work, i dont want to do anything. I feel worthless. Everyone is telling me its not the drug and i need help, but I feel like none of this started until i took the drug. They said it should be out of my system by now, but I dont feel any better, please im desperate at this point for some information, anyone experience these side effects and how long did it last. Please email me if you can and shed some light on this subject. Its been 10 grueling days and i am so over this. I still cant be alone and my life is suffering from this.

I was an extremely fit athlete when I started Depo. Within days of my first shot, I experienced constant asthma attacks, hives, weakened immune system, diarrhea, constipation, and fatigue. I didn't link this to the shot, kept taking them, and those symptoms worsened, adding to them chronic exhaustion, irritability, bone loss, loose teeth, histamine intolerance, gluten intolerance, painful sex, low sex drive, difficulty breathing, weight gain of 25 pounds (despite the fact that I eat app. 1700 calories/day and am 5"10" and was running 80 miles/week), brain fog, anxiety, depression, digestive issues, intense lower back pain, intestinal damage, hemorrhoids, nipple discharge, abdominal swelling, pruritis, amenorrhea, inability to concentrate, chest tightness, constant throat clearing, inability to lose weight, night sweats and constant nightmares. My last shot was 2 weeks ago and I only recently linked my debilitating, sudden-onset illnesses to Depo. Waiting for this drug to come

Light headedness experienced when BP lowered. Reduced from 10mg to 5mg & symptoms vanished. Dr. not happy with BP & increased to 10mg- severe daily headaches. I'd rather have high BP. Now taking 7.5mg & no symptoms at all.

Only side effects that I had were mild drowsiness and dry mouth

No problems. The drink was okay to say the least. I drank it and didn't think it was bad as most people said it was. Wimps to say the least. The only side effect I had was what the doctor said the drink would induce(Stooling). Other than that, it was what had to be done to get the procedure done the next day. They found no polyps and all was well. I'm fifty years old.

I feel better than when my thyroid was enlarged but I sure don't feel like my old pre-graves disease self!