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i used this pill years ago and promised myself i would never go on it again. Well, I did. I regret it completely. Ive been irrational and freaking out, non-stop crying. I feel like im stuck in my own skin. Today it hit me when my boyfriend and i are due to have a big talk about our relationship and out problems with it. This is the man i plan on wedding. I was at the point in my mind where i just wanted to give up and disappear when i remembered ive felt like this before. Im so glad i found this site when i googled "ortho tri-cyclen depression". it made me feel like i wasnt losing my mind. that this isn't me and i can feel better. i just need to get off of this horrible horrible pill.

My 8 year old son has been on this for aprox. 5 weeks, and I now feel so guilty for accusing him of over acting and just wanting attention! This is horrible medication and I can't believe our Dr.'s don't give us these warnings.

Have taken Lamisil for over 2 months. My doctor told me i need to take it for 3 months. He said I won't see any vivisble results until Christmas, Its not September. I'm not sure if this medicine is working. However, if anyone wants extra help to cure them from this bad infection, say a prayer to Saint Jude. Sometimes it's easy to loose faith but don't stop believing and say a prayer to St. Jude

Occasional pain in lower back and shoulders at old surgery sites. Discoloration of skin around ankles.

I quit this drug after 6 days, was prescribed for 10 days. I am not sure I was diagnosed correctly. Before seeing the doctor I had a 24/7 headache for 5 days and a hacking cough. The day after starting this drug my headache finally went away, but the cough got worse every day. I saw no reason to continue to take a drug that was having no positive effect. I felt shaky and weak and a couple times I suddenly lost my balance. I was particularly annoyed with my husband and I think this might have been from the drug. From the beginning I took an acidophilus capsule every time I took the drug, and I ate 2 containers of yogurt (without artificial sweeteners) every day, so I did not have any digestive symptoms other than one day when I accidentally ate yogurt with Splenda, and that day I had horrible attacks of bloating and gas. Maybe an interaction?

Let's say, if it wasnt for me taking it. My rash would have invaded my entire body. What a terrible site I was. No more Cruises for Me...


I was prescribed Evista as an experimental drug for LCIS as I am at risk for breast cancer. My last two mammograms were negative.I do not know if it is a result of the Evista or not. I believe this drug produces many side affects and is still under research. I am going to take myself off the drug for a month and ssee if symptoms change.

Had some grogginess at first, so switched to taking it at bed time. No more grogginess. I had terrible edema in feet and ankles for nearly 10 years prior to taking Lyrica. That has lessened greatly and I once again have slim ankles. Hooray!

Stomach cramping, very rarely dizzy or lightheaded