Nutropin (somatropin recombinant) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Nutropin (somatropin recombinant)

This medication is giving me my life back after not being able to function well at all for over three years due to symptoms caused by a concussion that I sustained in an MVA. It has improved my speech and my cognitive functioning, relieved me of a significant amount of brain fog and enabled me to move about, walk better and more often! I am hopeful that I will continue to improve as I take this medication along with other hormones that I need. I feel like this medication is a miracle drug - it has immeasurably improved my quality of life since the concussion.

Side Effects fornutropin (somatropin recombinant) - User Comments


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Restless leg syndrome/poor sleep

Photophobia, Extreme dry eyes, bad sore throat...just dried me out. Could not sleep--had insomnia. Brought on more anxiety.

Changed to Zocor and things seem better. New discussion forum at to discuss all issues related to this subject.

hallusinations, hearing voices, constant fear of death/being killed, anxiety, verdigo, sleepiness, depression, shaking, ringing in ears, loss of apitite, loss of weight, incohirent thoughts, inappropriate social behavior, foggy mind, could not stop talking - as if on cocaine but worse, mental addiction.

I don't believe any drug is truly safe. I recommend this drug be used with caution and that it be used for the shortest period possible. It affects many areas of the body and brain.

I have been on 10mg for a year since panic attacks started after the death of my son. Just recently I had my first panic attack in 11mos...out of nowhere. I upped my dosage on my own (I'll tell the doc next week) to 15mg and am considering adding L-theanine to my daily routine. I like it; I haven't noticed any side effects, but perhaps that is b/c I was only on 10mg?

first couple weeks good> no neg. or severe side effects mood booster, decreased deprression,^will-power more active and studious in school,ambiguous; however loss of appetite,and little if not no sleep for 24hrs ,still takes me too long to do work, cant organize thoughts,& cant remain on one thing at once> too busy thinkingh of what else i want to do--took off a week of it to gain weight back lost 25 lbs in 3weeks--Now(past 2weeks):ticks,very jumpy, increased depression,very sensative&emotional,insomia,able 2 maintai weight but have to force self,panic attacks,(if you havent been active at all for a couple days but been taking ritalin)numb lefft arm&severe chest pains (feels like a heartattack-it could just be ur heart just been put thru 2 much pressure so remain come and dont freak out for leads 2 panic attack>helps to take a walk or atleast do some jumpingjacks right b4 taking it to get no chest pains,&finally hallucinations(more likely if sleep deprived)

Have figured out how to live with this drug, which I've been on for 2 months. For me, I have to take it after eating dinner. If I take it then I can tolerate it and don't wake up with the burning sensations or racing heart. I have to time it so that if I'm going to the gym I do so before taking the Niaspan.

i took this for 4 times a day for 10 days 250mg didnt work at all still have mrsa

I immediately got very dizzy and severely nauseated with vomiting. This was after only taking one teaspoonful after eating. Please think twice before using this drug if you think you may be sensitive to its side effects.