Genotropin preservative free (somatropin recombinant) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Genotropin preservative free (somatropin recombinant)

INITIALLY joint pain, headaches, water retension- that all went away once got used to new hormone in body. MUST start LOW dose 0.1 mg or 0.2 mg then increae by 0.1 mg increments every 8 weeks to AVOID side effects. TAKE IT SLOW. measure IGF-1 every 8 weeks before increasing. I am now on 0.6 mg per day (up from initial 0.2 mg dose). took over a year to tweek-- this avoided side effects.

chronic fatigue cured!, depression cured, more muscle and less fat, energy, better social life, better quality of life.Need higher thyroid hormone when on GH.

Side Effects forgenotropin preservative free (somatropin recombinant) - User Comments


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Isn't this one going over the counter soon?

This has been a miracle drug for me in many ways. My FMS pain is significantly reduced on days when I am taking my full 60 mg dosage. It also helps amazingly with my life-long depression and SAD.

Irritability, back and hip pain so bad I can't even bend over in the morning and a feeling of generalized weakness like I can't lift anything. I have been seeiing a chiropractor intermittently for over 2 years for the back and hip pain with little or no relief. Also did the physical therapy thing and almost had a cortisone injection for it!! Now reading this site and its comments, I think I have finally figured out the problem. I haven't taken it for three days and now wonder how long it will be before I feel like me again. It is definately a slow process because I never put it all together.

I had....many of the common side effects. Not one now.

I have been taking 1 mg for two years and have had a horrific time getting off of it. It depresses your nervous system and can cause de realization and addiction rather quickly. For the people saying that all of these "withdrawal" symptoms" must be something else or made up are probably going to be in for a rude awakening one day. Granted some people don't have withdrawals but many, many do and they are not pleasant. Stay away from this drug and benzos in general if you value your sanity.

I am experiencing several side effects from this drug. The most bothersome is the memory loss and confusion. I have difficulty spelling even common words. At times I cannot remember what words mean or how to use the correct word to express a thought or feeling. At times I suffer muscle incoordination which has resulted in taking a few tumbles down stairs. My muscles and joint ache especially in the hip and lower extremities. I have noticied an increase in acne and itching on arms and torso.

urination issues post protate cancer

Feeling sick with some nausea.

I previously post a "4" (mistakenly as a male) and was about to have my Lamictal upped to counter headaches. It worked! Wellbutrin has given me back me spirit. I started 10-24-05 and today is 11-14-05. I suffered from moderate clinical depression that waxed and waned, and also chronic fatigue (from severe endometriosis.) Now I'm a different person. I have energy. I laugh. I'm interested in life again. I can't wait to see how much more it will continue to improve. Curious about whether my sex drive will return. We'll see....

I have been taking it in the morning after breakfast, may be better to take before dinner so the sleep/tired effect comes over night?