Zestoretic (hydrochlorothiazide; lisinopril) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zestoretic (hydrochlorothiazide; lisinopril)

Terrible dry cough. Constant colds with phlegm. Easily catch any illness going around. Frequent urination at night

Will change as soon as I can contact physician

No side effect very good for me.l just drink lots of water and changed my eating habit I only take this one medication.

slightly elevated blood pressure

Lowered my blood pressure, but made it TOO low. Gave my a dry mouth, headache, dizziness, fatigue, total brain fog. This also made my postassium level plummet and I passed out at work recently due to my b/p and potassium being too low

I never want to take this again!!

Joint,knee and back pain also hair breakage and thinning.

Stomach upset, intestinal issues, and COUGH !!! The cough is ridiculous. Keeps me awake, bothers family. F/UP w/dr in 4 days - hope to switch. Don't want to feel this way anymore - especially on vacation - can't afford to feel crappy and be oversensitive to sun.

I switched to this pill because it was cheaper but I developed a horrible chronic cough and dry throat after the first day. I took this pill for 5 days and then my doctor put me back on Micardis HCT which is amazing it keeps my blood pressure down and keeps my weight down.

Stay away from this drug!!! Please.

Severe leg cramps, foot cramps, knee pain, heart flutters, back pain, joint pain. After only 2 days of taking this drug I awoke to a excruciating shin pain. Felt like something was squeezing my legs and at same time hitting with a baseball bat. I was on Lisinopril w/out hctz 40 mg several months before this drug and I developed severe ear congestion and muscle clicking in my right ear. Still have ear clicks. Went off drug. Switched to Valsartan/ hctz. On it for 2 months. Same horrible effects. Bone pain, muscle spasms in legs, weakness, no energy, hair thinning. After being on all three of these drugs for a total of approx. 5 months, I feel like I am 90 years old. I so much want this out of my system ! I just hope and pray there is no permanent damage. I had to take a leave of absence from work due to these drugs.

THIS IS POISON. Do NOT take this drug. I am thankful for this site for I now know my symptoms are not from some other disease. These drug companies claim these side effects are very rare. Not so. they should be taken off the market.

My doc put me on this drug for my hypertension, and told me to watch for cough, as the most distressing symptom. I never experienced that, but did have headaches a lot, even when my BP was not elevated. That could be attributed to it. It worked mediocre, I'd say, for me. It lowered my BP sometimes, but wasn't consistent. It might be 110-132 when I'd first wake up, and throughout the day, would be in the 130s to 150s, sometimes as much as 160. It just depended. I also started on Synthroid at the same time, and began having other symptoms such as: hair loss, weight gain, nipple discharge, irregular menstruations, headaches, and dizziness. The dizziness was only the first 2 days. So I attributed many of these symptoms being from the synthroid. After discussing with my doc, he thinks many of these (minus the female problems) are side effects of the Zestoretic. He's seen this in other patients and discussed it before with pharmacists. Due to my BP not being lowered as much as he wants and the ill-effects of the diuretic part of the drug, he is discontinuing this drug and starting me on another one.

I only noticed now that every time I standup after sitting down I get light headed. It definately is a result of the drug due to te fact I never had it before this bad. It could also be the fact that I started insanity workouts.

Intermittent dry cough which does not awaken me during the night. Great at lowering my blood pressure and has not affected my erections!

Uncontrollable coughing, itching, vitiligo rash. Overall not a good experience at all.

headache at first, some stomach upset. This med lowered my bp within 3 hours. I was on benicar for 4 years and took weeks to work and never was able tolower my diastolic as well and I felt terrible on benicar.

irritating dry cough, throat mucus seems a little worse

This is my first bp medicine. Nagging cough is irritating. Night leg cramps have also occurred, but only once during first week. Considering trying a different medication.

Orthostatic hypotension, other than that nothing else.

This was some bad stuff for me. Experienced fairly severe joint pain in elbows, and various other places sometimes. Up several times during the night peeing, and put a severe damper on sexual performance. Took a while to realize what the problem was, just thought it was getting older.

Light headed first day, with a headache. Headache gone by day three, However it SEVERELY affected abilitity to get/maintain erection. Never had that trouble before. Side effect never improved.

Worked well at reducing blood pressure, but sexual dysfunction side effect not worth it. Have discontinued after 28 days, and will try Norvasc next.

Shortly after I began taking this medication I developed a horrible cough. I have been taking this medication for 6months and the cough has just gotten worse.I cough so hard at times I can hardly breath. Tomorrow I am going to see my doctor and I will ask for something different. Benicar w/hctz seems to have less of the horrible side effects. I will never take Zestoretic again!

Why exactly does it cause coughing?

keeps pressure down really good.

Already had problems with my erections but was getting by. A couple of weeks after taking Zestoretic penetration became impossible because of the diuretic in Zestoretic. Turns out that diuretics (Chlorothiazide in this case) are a known factor in causing Impotence in a high percentage of males.

Luckily my Dr increased the dosage to 40mg. Zestoretic doesn't come in 40mg dosages so he prescribed Lisinopril 40mg and Chlorothiazide (diuretic in Zestoretic). I was in my late fifties at the time and coping with serious erectile difficulties which I attributed to aging. Not so, I found out. At least not the only cause. When I finally talked to another Dr he confirmed the problems were probably being caused by the Chlorothiazide. On my own I stopped taking the diuretic on weekends and after some improvement erection-wise I stopped it altogether. I still take Zestril 40mg and my blood pressure is down and my erections are up (okay, as good as a sixty-something male could hope for anyway).

ZESTORETIC (HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE; LISINOPRIL): This medication is used to treat high blood pressure. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. This product contains two medications: lisinopril and hydrochlorothiazide. Lisinopril is an ACE inhibitor and works by relaxing blood vessels so that blood can flow more easily. Hydrochlorothiazide is a "water pill" (diuretic) that causes you to make more urine, which helps your body get rid of extra salt and water. This product is used when one drug is not controlling your blood pressure. Your doctor may direct you to take the individual medications first, and then switch you to this combination product. Do not continue taking the individual medications (lisinopril and/or hydrochlorothiazide) after you start this medication. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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Strong sedative effects resulting in difficulties rising in the morning and daily somnolence (sleepiness), and an inability to concentrate or focus on the job at hand - Dizziness, and postural hypotension (abnormally low blood pressure) - Increased agitation, and some paranoia - Rapid weight gain (from 70kg to 94kg!), particularly around the midriff, which increases the risk of Type II diabetes (I am currently undergoing tests with my GP to check this) - Dry mouth with increased thirst and fluid intake (also a sign of diabetes) – Markedly increased suicidal tendencies, where previously there were few and they were minor.

None that I know of, however I also take Topamax and Wellbutrin

I'm hopeful that discontinuing the cream and capsules will alleviate the bloating and weight gain. The adrenal support supplements seem to give me lots of energy so I'm sticking with those to see if they help. I thought I was going to lose weight from my middle not gain it!!!

Only took one tablet. Already taking sertraline for depression. I reacted badly. Within an hour of taking it I was filled with extreme anger and hatred towards myself! I was head butting things. Punching myself. I was wanted to seriously hurt myself. Had thought of stabbing my self in the leg and kept scratching my face! At one point I was sitting on the floor crying and rocking uncontrollably about 6 hours later after taking the tablet I suddenly became a dribbling mess. Slurring speech. Movements uncoordinated and very numb. Felt really tired. For two days walking shuffling the feet and all movements are slow. Speech is still slurring. I'm an ex junkie and I have taken lots of illegal drugs in the past and NONE of them made me feel like this one has. Never taking them again!

Awful,Awful,Awful, that's how it made me feel. Shooting pains down my arms, general sick feeling, ringing in my ears. Never taking it again.

Having this medication has been a life changing experience. I have had many infusions (over 20)and was clear of all psoriasis until recently and even now I only have one or two small patches.Pre Remicade most of my body was covered in psoriasis.

This is absolutely awful. I've been to the er and I'm currently taking iron infusions because I've lost so much blood due to bleeding from this injection and I'm currently on hormones to stop the bleeding. I don't recommend this shot to anyone. It needs to be taken off of the market!

I have tried Prozax, zoloft, effexor, celexa, couldn't stand the side effects. Zyban is a different animal...really working for me...AND I've lost a little weight! a nice bonus to having life and personality back. Works for me.

24 hours after 1st shot, I quickly developed a high fever (donot have a thermometer), so just guessing, it was around 101 or 102. It has been persistent so far. I'm like some people and I'm afraid it might be covid19.

I started with Parlodel and was able to become pregnant.The initial side effects were horrific. I took Dostinex throughout my second pregnacy and had a healthy baby girl. The only problem was that I could not breast feed because I didn't go off of the medicine soon enough. I have tried to go off of the Dostinex, but my prolactin levels always rise and then I have to start all over again. I do take birth control pills because they seem to keep everything regular. I take Seasonique because with them I only have a period four times year and the week I get my period there are pills with somehwhat of a hormone that doesn't just drop me cold turkey. When I take regular birth control pills I have horrific headaches during the week I'm off and having a period. I am tired all of the time and it is extremely difficult to lose any weight. I do have bouts of anger over nothing in particular and I'm glad to read that it is a symptom most of us share. It does pass, but at least now I can sum it up to having this problem rather than I'm losing my mind. I would reccommend to anyone who is trying to become pregnant that they find a reproductive endocronologist because they specialize in this area. I take .5 of a pill twice a week and my prolactin is now at a zero. After reading all of your comments I might try reducing my dose to see if my symptoms become less. I'm not sure I can cut that already small pill any smaller, but I will definitely try. Good luck to all of you and remember to a