Zaroxolyn (metolazone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zaroxolyn (metolazone)

I don't know how long I will be on Zaroxolyn but I am still taking Demadex

ZAROXOLYN (METOLAZONE): Metolazone is a "water pill" (diuretic) that increases the amount of urine you make, which causes your body to get rid of excess water. This drug is used to treat high blood pressure. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. This medication also reduces swelling/fluid retention (edema) which can result from conditions such as congestive heart failure or kidney disease. This can help to improve symptoms such as trouble breathing. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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Runny oatmeal blew out of my ass. Then I shit uncontrollably in front of my boyfriend's family during dinner. I think this has testosterone in it - I grew a ball. I bought a gun and went to Vons and then asked for free pringles from the manager but they wouldn't give them to me so I killed the manager. All I can say is that this medication is EVIL - there should be a special cliff for all the bitches that get on this medication to jump off of - would be better for all. I'm going to go kill my doctor now.

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ok i started this pill after having my period for 6months straight i took one pill of seasonale and it stopped my period completely i get every 3 months which is good, but now since i got sick 2/14/09 i been having anxiety and panic attacks very dizzy all the time and i am starting to think its the pill since it happens when my cycle is starting back up again. i am going to try to stop taking the period this week since my cycle starts on thursday and i will not take the new pack on sunday and see if my feelings go away...its insane i have never felt anything like this before and i have been on this pill for 3yrs. please some one help me any one had similar symptoms let me know thanks

My symptoms before taking this medicine were so severe that I was existing on an average of 2 1/2 hours sleep a night. I was barely able to function. My symptoms started about noon and continued throughout the day and night. Mirapex controlled the symptoms and seemed like a miracle at first but now, I'm looking for an alternative as I am spending money like there's no end to it, unable to stay asleep, exhibiting OCD tendencies, short term memory loss, disorientation, slacking responsibilities, and having fits of rage and/or crying that I can't control. I guess the miracle is over.

I read all of these comments over the past month. The suggestion to chew gum after each swallow helped tremendously. My pharamist gave me no flavors. I added a bit of Sprite with each glass. I should have taken more Duculax instead of the 1. It was recommended that I take 4. Had I known how this would taste, I would have. I feel miserable but I am done drinking that stuff because I am clear. Eat lightly for several days, it'll help you.

Nausea and vomitingConstant Rashes- (on face, torso and neck)Severe cystic acneHeadachesEmotional lability

Within 10 minutes of taking, my feet, hands and mouth started itching. Within another ten minutes, my heart rate was 135, blood pressure 75, and the paramedics couldn't get a pulse. The doc at the hosp said he never heard of this type of reaction, but at one point in the ER, I almost died.

If I take on an empty stomach, confusion or dizziness occurs. Otherwise, no side effects.