Microzide (hydrochlorothiazide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Microzide (hydrochlorothiazide)

Extreme dizziness. I couldn't walk across the floor without losing my balance.

I lost some weight and my numbers were good but I couldn't function. I stopped taking it for a month then halved it but symptoms came back, so not an allergy.

Water retention in my legs and body

This is the worst thing I’ve ever taken so sick to my stomach massive headache nauseous it’s not taking any of the fluid off I hurt more than I did before I started it

This is the worst thing I’ve ever taken so sick to my stomach massive headache nauseous it’s not taking any of the fluid off I hurt more than I did before I started itDon’t take it

Excessive sweating, excessive urination, GOUT!

Dried me out so bad it caused an impacted colon. No fun having to get your poop dug out of your rectum by a doctors gloved fingers.

This is the WORST medicine I have EVER taken in my life!!I thought it worked ok for the BP but it was wrecking havoc with my potassium levels so I was taking potassium pills. Then after a year or so, started getting a rash that spread over arms, torso, legs, etc. Itching so severe that my dermatologist exhausted all the creams and lotions that she could come up with....ended up taking a biopsy of rash and found that it was caused by this medicine. I stopped it right then! I never suffered so much from one medicine. They ought to take this OFF the market now!!!!I have a friend who said he took it about 30 years ago and it caused his gout that he has now. He had only taken it for 2 months when he was diagnosed with gout.

stop fluid retention from htn med

did not decrease fluid in ankles and knees. actually decreased urine flow. caused constipation. bp was fine while taking it. no longer taking this med.

It keeps the weight off, that's why I like it!

I'm not sure. I went off it for three days and have water retention for a weight gain of 2 1/2 pounds.

I will be looking to the Health Food Store, Herbalist or Natural way to reduce water retention and I want to know why I have this problem with no salt in my diet.

After 6 weeks I felt flush, my legs were weak, I could'nt concentrate and had rectal bleeding. This lasted for 10 days. I stopped taking it for 2 weeks and the symptoms went away. I started on it again because my BP was real high and because my Doctor said HCTZ dos'nt cause those symptoms and within 2 weeks all the smyptoms came back.

For some reason Doctors don't like to admit that certain drugs can cause certain symptoms. This drug really had me messed up for 12 weeks off and on. I was sent to 2 Neurologists who did an MRI, MRA and several other tests but found nothing. I was finally put on Depakote for seizures but when I started taking HCTZ again all the symptoms came back. I'll never take it again!!

MICROZIDE (HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE): This medication is used to treat high blood pressure. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Hydrochlorothiazide belongs to a class of drugs known as diuretics/"water pills." It works by causing you to make more urine. This helps your body get rid of extra salt and water. This medication also reduces extra fluid in the body (edema) caused by conditions such as heart failure, liver disease, or kidney disease. This can lessen symptoms such as shortness of breath or swelling in your ankles or feet. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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