Lozol (indapamide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lozol (indapamide)

LOZOL (INDAPAMIDE): This medication is used to treat high blood pressure. Indapamide is also used to reduce extra fluid in the body (edema) caused by heart failure. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Indapamide belongs to a class of drugs known as diuretics/"water pills." It works by causing you to make more urine. This helps your body get rid of extra salt and water. This can lessen symptoms such as shortness of breath or swelling in your ankles or feet. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


Related User Reviews

At first some heat flashes, then those went away very quickly. No side effects for one year,but this year more frequent heart palpitations and my blood pressure began to rise. The smell wasn't bad either and the med stays on your skin real well. Did not experience any rashes or allergy to this med..

CONTINUED.... & asked my doc for the test after 3 months of no answers from them I tested positive for BV. This time I may be right also! IMPORTANT! Do your own research AND see a doctor especially if you have no insurance! Thank God for this site I feel better for the 1st time in 9 Months.

I've gladly taken up smoking again- because i'd rather smoke cigarettes then be stuck in a zyban phase.I realise some people dont really get the side effects, but i wouldnt take the chance, if you want to quit- go cold turkey.

went on 10mg after risperidone, made me gain weight and my prolactin rose to drastic levels. have been on for 3 months and feel horrible, paranoia worse, didnt have it on respiridone, twitchy, edgy, sleeping all the time, feel ill, vomiting, stomach problems, strange light headed feeling

Honestly can not recommend this drug, I am still experiencing side effects just after 1 pill and im supposed to take twice/day 75mg. I just cant keep going have to try something else.

Sleepiness was the main side effect when I was taking only this drug and Wellbutrin. In combination with 5mg Prozac I am experiencing significant nausea and constipation. Never had these effects on even 40mg of Prozac long-term in the past.

I began to wean myself off this drug after 10 months by cutting it in half down to .5 mg for 2 weeks then .25 for 2 weeks then .125 for 2 weeks(Taking B complex,fish oil and E) and now I am off it and I can communicate and comprehend and feel emotions again. While weaning off this drug, I experienced headaches, and about a day of mood swings each time I lowered the dosage. I believe what initially caused my psychotic episode was due to iron deficiency: heavy menstrual periods lead to low iron, which affects dopamine transmission and increases risk of psychotic states. I've given up eating gluten which can cause heavy menstrual bleeding and I am no longer anemic or experiencing heavy bleeding (which I'd had for over a decade).

This is my 3rd day taking this drug. I had severe chest congestion for 12 days while on a business trip in China. Immedietly after coming back to US, my doctor put me on this medicine and it does seem to help.However, I am not sure if I can continue the course as my jet-lag doesn't seem to get over due to this medicine. I am sleeping in the evening and waking up in the night. Have severe back-pain and feel so weak. I had never felt this week before in my life.

Sleep walking, talking in sleep, weird & vivid dreams, online shopping that I did not remember, texting I did not remember.

Cannot tolerate the side effects - will stop taking.