Lasix (furosemide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lasix (furosemide)

With a rescue dog, you sometimes take the word of a shelter on his age. Dook was supposed to be about 6 coming up here--the vet suggests he might be twice that old. He's on Vetmedin 2x a day: one dose (morning) at 2.5mg and 1.25 in the morning. He coughs sometimes: vet says his heart is against his esophagus. After $500 worth of tests, he'd done well for six months, then at the follow-up, I mentioned the cough at night. He was prescribed lasix, one in the morning and one at bedtime. I started him on Tuesday morning but by later that day, he was in distress. He stopped eating completely. He got in his bed and stayed there, rarely waking up. If I moved, he struggled to be where I was but was wobbly and weak. He kept his head down, looking guilty and sick. By Thursday, I was sure I was going to lose him. All day, I put my hand on him to see if he was alive. He didn't pee or poop...! Since he wasn't eating, he wasn't getting the lasix--so Friday, he seemed a bit better. The vet told me we needed to discuss his end-of-life care. UGH! I told her he wasn't like this before the lasix. She suggested stopping it--which I essentially had since Wednesday night. Saturday morning, he'd turned the corner--I held his dish while he ate--HE ATE! Today (Monday) it's like it had never happened. He's still an old dog with heart issues--but I still have him, which is a gift. RESEARCH LASIX!

Heart failure high blood pressure

Severe itch and burning on arms legs and body with red rash and soreness bad thirst at night dizziness and muscle pain bad tablet is there an alternative to this tablet

My doctors have me on lasix with ramipril eplerenone and bisoporol and nuprin all of these pills interact with each other all causing serious side effects but when you tell them your having problems they say it's not the tablets when we know it is

CHF High BP retains fluid in belly

Urinate till it dries me out, sleepy, some chest pain after taking potassium with it. Only last a couple of seconds. Fingers and toes tingling from time to time. Don't want to write a bible but you can contact me and can compare symptoms :-)

Only concerned about losing potassium because too low could kill you. And my kidneys & liver are fine now, but lasix can make that worse I believe

It works great on me. I retain fluid and causes me to swell and get bloaded and difficulty bleeding as well as chest pain. Once i remove the fluid i feel great

None. Lost wt 16 lbs in 2 weeks

Loose too much wt. Helps with the fluid retention.

Value replacement heart surgery

I'm 65. Feeling good but in 3 weeks lost 13 pounds and I was thin anyway. Don't want more weight loss. Don't think lasix are ever going to plateu

Meds doesn't bother I don't like weight loss afraid it won't stop

Within a few hours had hot, red, burning rash on lower legs causing permanent damage to skin. Had to use wet bandages for months and my legs will NEVER be the same.

Heart pounding fast & hard, BP lying down with feet elevated 176/78. Much fatigue

My feet & legs are still swollen & there is a lot of fluid sounds through you my upper abdomen

Heart pounding fast & hard, BP lying down with feet elevated 176/78. Much fatigue

My feet & legs are still swollen & there is a lot of fluid sounds through you my upper abdomen

Extreme tiredness and weakness in muscles

Can I stop taking it and go back to indapamide

Blood pressure elevated up; leg and feet feeling numb, hot, tingling hurt to walk on

I've been taking lasix recently for 2 weeks but I have been on it in the past without side effects and it works well at controlling my blood pressure, The only reason I stopped taking it before was because I no longer needed a second bb pill at the time due to weight loss and exercise..(I also take lisinopril)

I take 20mg my ankles swell all the time it swell in my ankles first then I can feel the fluid going up my legs there is a pill called leg cramp is super for legs cramps I use to scream and holla when I have them u can get them at cvs called leg cramp pills small bottle about 6 or 7 dollars take as many as it takes to stop. I'm a living testimony it works

congestive heart failure and bhp

none,just doesn't make me urinate as much as i think it should.still continue to retain water.

leg cramps and muscle cramps in upper thigh area-this happened yesterday after doctor gave me a shot of lasix.dont know how many milligrams but by the time i got home which was 7 mins after i went to the bathroom 5 times within the first 12 mins.

Fluid overload and bp control ESRd

Muscle cramps when taking to much

Poor erections - full but soft and rubbery even with Viagra and a cockring.Penetration has become a real challenge because I've been accident prone (premature ejaculation) all my life.I've read that this (impotence) is not an uncommon side effect with this particular medication.

Water retention, swollen ankles

I was getting horrible chest and lower jaw pain. I thought I was having a heart attack. I called my cardiologist and he checked me out and said it was panic attacks (I am going through alot of stress). I stopped lasik for a week and the chest and jaw tightness went away. So, I am going to assume it was Lasik. Will stop again and see what happens.

LASIX (FUROSEMIDE): Furosemide is used to reduce extra fluid in the body (edema) caused by conditions such as heart failure, liver disease, and kidney disease. This can lessen symptoms such as shortness of breath and swelling in your arms, legs, and abdomen. This drug is also used to treat high blood pressure. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Furosemide is a "water pill" (diuretic) that causes you to make more urine. This helps your body get rid of extra water and salt. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


Related User Reviews

mild nausea, hunger, bad taste in mouth

Angry and Hostile! I felt like I was going to explode and I felt like a hothead and control freak.

Severe stomach cramps, feeling similiar of that of hunger, loss of appetite, mild dizziness, fatigue, mild upper back pain, nausea and vomiting, bloated feeling

I've felt horrible for 2 years. I'd rather risk the high bp (which wasn't extremely high). I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

Reduced doze to summer; 25mg am and12.5mg night. Lost brain fog, cold feet, bad dreamswinter; 12.5mg am and night. Take extra 12.5mg prior to excerise or physical work and sex.Liv in au, hot summers heart working just to keep cool, much less work for heart in winter.find betaloc best formula for me.

Weight gain (at least 50 lbs), mood swings, paranoia, loss of muscle mass,acne, oily hair, permanent redistribution of body fat, aging of my skin, high blood pressure, thin skin, easy bruising, tiredness, EXTREME sensitivity to odors, euphoria, intensified emotions, feet swelling, weakness. On the plus side, it made my stick straight hair come in wavy, which was permanent. I would NOT take this medicine again because of the other side effects.It helped my ITP, but the side effects were so horrible I have to give it a 1. The weakness lasted for 2 YEARS after stopping the medicine.Yes, 2 YEARS.

I recently moved to TX and discovered that it's very common for someone who has never had allergies to all of a sudden get them in TX. I tried this drug after having allergy symptoms for more than three weeks. I feel so awful right now, and my eyes are still watering, my nose is still running, and my sinuses are still heavy. There's no way I'm taking this again.

Extreme nausea, loose stool, headache/pressure, metallic taste, extreme sense of smell, body aches, chills, fever-like symptoms

Dizziness and blurred vision at first (that might have been the Wellbutrin) and fatigue till I got the dose right. But great sleep even then.

Bone aches "surface" after 4wks & before next scheduled infusion. 7 years' use/monthly infusions.