Hyzaar (hydrochlorothiazide; losartan potassium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Hyzaar (hydrochlorothiazide; losartan potassium)

Controlled BP! But gave me terrible muscle aches,foot pain, back, neck and hip pain. Gained over 35 pounds! (Excercised 6 days a week! But weight kept climbing! Consulted with PCM! After reading reviews! Was taking off, and given hctz 12.5. This drug should be taken off the market

Achy joints, high liver enzymes, weight gain, ringing in the ears, headaches, muscle aches ,etc

I have been experiencing extreme fatigue for no reason. It leaves me light headed everytime I kneel for more than 2 minutes. Also, it keeps my blood pressure much lower than I am used to; 110/69 and lower.

Blurry vision, back pain on one side and itching on one breast

Dizziness, upset stomach, nausea. Painful back. Insomnia. Felt so bad.

Severe allergic reaction - Throat swelled shut and was hospitalized. Extreme upset stomach, dizziness and flu like symptoms.Never though it was my med as I was taking Cozaar before and I was fine.

This drug should come with a big warning label!

Increased blood sugar, headaches, extreme chest congestion, loss of voice, coughing, constant fatigue, mental cloudiness, irritability, malaise, I just don't feel myself, horrible stomach aches, disruption of normal bowel habits and unbelievable dehydration

I have not had blood sugar problems until I started taking this horrible medication. I have a family history of diabetes so I have the dr check my A1C once a year. My A1C prior to going on Hyzaar was 4.0. My A1C after being on Hyzaar for 6 months was 8.5. I feel this med has caused diabetes and I hope a class action law suit gets fired up for this drug and I want to be a part of it. I am also so dehydrated it is crazy. I drink 5-6 bottles of water a day and I drink Smart Water so I am getting 23.7 oz per bottle. There is no reason I should be as dehydrated as I am.

Constipation fatigue joint pain

Years ago have a intestinal blockage living with life style change

Extreme dizziness, headaches, nausea, anxiety, dry eyes, joint pain, leg and back pain, insomnia, ringing ears, congestion, coughing, palpitations

l had constant congestion & extreme mucus build-up that got worse over the years. The Hyzaar did not lower my bp under 150/80 at best. I was put on an additional bp medication. At that time I took myself off Hyzaar & I immediately started to improve. But I've had lung problems ever since.

Terrible heart palpitations dizzy lightheaded I have no energy and just feeling sick and nauseous all the time and just not myself I have to push myself to do anything

It did lower my blood pressure but too low a lot of the times 85/52 more side effects then I want to deal with Im stopping this drug today I'm miserable and don't feel like myself anymore doctor will have to put me on something else I refuse to take this anymore!! I'm done!! I can't deal with this just called and made an appointment

Hair loss, weight loss, weakness, unable to have a bm, have to take a laxative now. Overall it make me feel terrible. I don't feel like myself anymore. I can't wait to go to my heart doctor to tell him that, i don't want to take this medication ever again. In my opinion. This medication shouldn't be prescribed for anyone. It should be taken off the market.

Tired dizziness tightness on my left side numbness in both arm heart palpation weak feeling etc..

Joint pain, dehydration, severe constipation, ears ringing, and unable to concentrate

My blood pressure was extremely high 13 years ago, and this medicine regulated it, so I attribute saving my life to this medicine. However, after years of taking it, I now see symptoms that have crept up on me, and I must now address those. I am unable to think critically, I am prone to falling, my joints are painful, and I must take a laxative in order to have a bm. Last year, I had a VSG and have lost over 60 pounds this far. My blood pressure is actually a bit low now, so I plan to cut my dosage in half for awhile and hopefully, I can effectively wean myself off of this drug.

High Blood Pressure from SLE lupus

Put on Losartan hct Genetic due to SLE lupus induced HBP that old med Inderol was not controlling. Experienced severe Exhaustion. Today trembling, especially in hands. Woozy weakness in legs, nearly fell. Severe knotted cramps in feet, over and over for nearly an hour. Spread to sharp stinging shooting pain and cramps in calves. Then spread up to butt. Also same in back, spread to arms. Then to neck and head. Sharp stinging pain and cramps, tightness around head like giant rubber band. If it spreads to chest, I'm going to the ER. All this in just 2 days. Am mad it was prescribed! Dangerous drug!

Read pamphlet while talking on the phone with Pharmacist short time ago. It suggests caution before prescribing to a patient with SLE lupus, Athsma, lung issues (I tend to get Pneumonia easily), and prior Kidney and Liver issues, and joint issues (I have Osteo, and Arthritis, beyond the lupus joint problems). Am furious it was prescribed to me when it obviously should not have been!

Bad stomach ache..sore muscles..dizziness...boating....bad bad medication...on it for more than year ..... Reported it reported to my Dr.until I refuse to take any more.

Dizziness not sleeping can not eat.headache.i fill crazy

Blood pressure lowered too much eg, 101/65, dizziness, loss of concentration and memory, hair loss, right shoulder pain, neck pain, frequent urination, high thirst, heart flutters, sweating. Finally realized that it is the medication that is making me depressed and suffering from anxiety. It has nearly ruined my life. Should be taken off the market!!!!

dizziness, nausea, dry mouth, flushing, bloody diarrhea

The side effects became so bad that I ended up at urgent care.

Weight Gain, Ankle Swelling, Fatigue, Weekly Painful Bouts of Diarrhea, Elevated Blood Sugar, Elevated Liver Enzymes

Doctor said to continue despite all issues. Switched to a different doctor and was taken off Hyzaar. Finally losing weight! All symptoms have subsided. My health gradually declined over the 10 years I was on this. I never tied it to Hyzaar until I started reading about others having the same issues.

HYZAAR (HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE; LOSARTAN POTASSIUM): This drug is used to treat high blood pressure. It is also used to lower the risk of strokes in patients with high blood pressure and an enlarged heart. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. This product contains two medications: losartan and hydrochlorothiazide. Losartan is an angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) and works by relaxing blood vessels so that blood can flow more easily. Hydrochlorothiazide is a "water pill" (diuretic) that causes you to make more urine, which helps your body get rid of extra salt and water. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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love it. saved my life. wish i could increase my sex drive tho. i agree re alcohol mix - i did some stupid things when i got drunk. felt invincible and didn't care about consequences. I tried to come off about 2 months ago and i really regret that. I started feeling really anxious again and figured that it just isn't the right time for me to taper off yet.

I am so happy with the Mirena. I'm 2 years in with my first one and will gladly replace it every 5 years for as long as necessary. I went from bleeding so heavily that I fainted multiple times from anemia to no periods at all. Such a dream!

I hate Effexor XR. The only good thing that's happened from taking it is now I realize my anxiety & depression are not as insurmountable as I thought - being on Effexor IS! I am down to 37.5mg/day and hope to be completely off in about a month. ONE WEEK since I decided to go off Effexor and I realize what it has done to my life! I see the light at the end of the tunnel so to speak. Don't take it - it's very nasty and you will regret it. Go for a run at the park - it feels great! You can't do that after being on Effexor a while, it makes you fat, exhausted & feel hopeless!

May have had weight gain but I took another medication with that side effect so I don't know. Still had cramps but only for a day or two and they weren't unbearable.

1. Paresthesia or neuropathy (continuous intense tingling, burning, stabbing pain over entire body) 2. Weight gain 3. Lethargy and fatigue 4. Lack of desire to do anything but lie in bed 5. Grinding teeth so badly I need braces again 6. Difficulty in finding right words 7. Profuse sweating 8. Jolts through body when lying at rest (made sleep difficult) 9. Hair Loss 10. Loss of coordination (resulting in two falls with injuries) 11. Mental fogginess

I was on Yaz for a couple years and then Loestrin 24 until I could no longer afford to see my gyno. So I was prescribed Ortho Cept through planned parenthood. First of all, you are not supposed to take this birth control if you've had a history of irregular menstrual bleeding or a history of migraine headaches. I have had severe problems with BOTH in the past, and I clearly told the doctor this and wrote it in my paperwork, yet she still prescribed me this. I didn't know until now, but I'm going to stop taking it as of today. Other then that, I was basically on my period for the entire first month I started taking it. Ever since the first week I've been gaining weight, probably due to my increased appetite as well, my acne has increased severely and I even get acne on my back now which I have NEVER had before, I'm always tired and can sleep for 15 hours if nothing else wakes me up, I'm extremely extremely extremely moody now and I have never been like that. The smallest things make me go CRAZY and it's affecting all of my personal relationships. During my period my boobs are extremely sore which has never happened to me before. I got the worst cramps which is also a new thing. I would NEVER recommend this pill to ANYONE. It will ruin your life basically.

I took the first 800 MG pill on 01/25/08 while waiting on my wife's pain meds for her cancer. About 30-45 minutes later, I had severe cramping in my left handwhen I got home with here meds plus some groceries. I could not stop the cramping, which turned to pain. My wife had to shut and lock the door. I broke the pill in half the next day and took it for 7 days. The following Friday morning, a week later, I awoke with terrible pain in left hand middle finger joint. It would not go away, so; I got up and covered my self in the recliner and slept. I slept well over 17 hours straight, which is not me. In fact, I never suspected that bactrim was the cause of this cramping then very severe pain, as I had taken another brand of the double stength about 6 years ago.

severe hunger pains which started not long after i started to take the tablets, feeling really dizzy, stomach cramps and diarrhoea.

I have mild pain from my arthritis but after my 6th dose of Boniva, I realized, things are getting worse..much worse..to the point of crying due to pain in my muscles and bones. I use to walk 3 miles with my hubby but I'm weak and I hurt to much to continue with him. Also had acid reflux While I was sleeping twice!! That was scary enough and the pain is awful..I'm 62 and feel so old and weak. Please tell me this will leave my system and I can be normal again??! Hope so. Calling my Dr. Monday and letting her know I've taken my last dose and we need to do something for this pain..I was going on vacation, but unsure now.

Trouble falling /staying asleep