Furosemide (furosemide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Furosemide (furosemide)

I haven't experienced anything but BETTER overall feelings of well being and my health is slowly coming back AFTER HCTZ decimated it!

I was given HCTZ for fluid retention. Supposedly, the fluid in my chest was respiratory related at all, but according to the genius doc who prescribed it to me, it would manage the rattle and wheezing I was having at night while trying to sleep! HCTZ, in a matter of weeks, had me going from feeling my vibrant 42 years, to a very lethargic 92!!!!! I had no energy for anything!!! I work in an elementary school and I could barely walk the halls, barely leave the lot from my car to the school, without my legs feeling like they would buckle under me. My breathing was out of control. A coworker heard my gasping for air and I nearly scared her half to death! I have a 5 year old son, very active, couldn't move off the couch if I tried! All store errands stopped and were met with agony! I had to have a shopping basket to lean on and even grab to, just to make it through ONE isle of shopping! HCTZ also affected my sleeping terribly!While I know different meds work differently on different people, I am IN LOVE WITH FUROSEMIDE (Lasix)!!!! Just two days on this and I am already feeling like ME again! I got out of my car this morning, walked around the school halls, and no breathlessness, NO leg pain, and no breathing like I needed an oxygen tank! It's a shame that I had to take measures to advance my own health positively, because my QUACK kept telling me that none of this was the HCTZ. Mind you, I'm not a pill popper, and I never had any of the symptoms I had until th

FUROSEMIDE (FUROSEMIDE): Furosemide is used to reduce extra fluid in the body (edema) caused by conditions such as heart failure, liver disease, and kidney disease. This can lessen symptoms such as shortness of breath and swelling in your arms, legs, and abdomen. This drug is also used to treat high blood pressure. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Furosemide is a "water pill" (diuretic) that causes you to make more urine. This helps your body get rid of extra water and salt. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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Extreme fatigue, mental fogginess and weight gain. I had no idea that this medication was causing the problems it was. It did help relieve my hives but is SO not worth it. I could barely get out of bed after 10 hours of sleep and gained 25 pounds despite working out and eating healthy. I have been off for 2 days and have lost 4 pounds. I am having trouble sleeping now but hoping this will resolve the longer I am off the drug. Doctors do not acknowledge these side effects and will tell you the drug does not cause these things but it really, really does!! I feel more awake and so much less foggy. I had no idea how foggy I was all day until I quit taking it.

Couldn't swallow sachet in liquid, so chemist made up capsules. 8 =sachet. Get a bit of flatulence. Feel stronger and more cheerful not having chronic D. Have eaten ordinary bread and forbidden FODMAP veggies and NO PROBLEMS. Annoyed re wrong diagnosis, glad to have found Questran. Praise GI dr. Worry re possible vitamin deficit though.