Dyrenium (triamterene) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Dyrenium (triamterene)

to aid in my high blood pressure

it kept my blood pressure down, and water retention down

DYRENIUM (TRIAMTERENE): Triamterene is a "water pill" (diuretic) that works in your kidneys to increase the amount of urine you make. This helps your body get rid of extra water. This medication is used to decrease swelling (edema) caused by conditions such as cancer, congestive heart failure, liver disease, and kidney disease. This effect can help your kidneys work better and lessen symptoms such as trouble breathing and swelling in your ankles, feet, hands, or belly. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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I got off depo in january I started getting abdominal pain it wasn't bad so I left it but still went to the doctor I was tested (blood test,poo test,pee test ,ct scan and ultra sounds) my ct scan hasn't come back yet but everything else did and there was nothing wrong. I didn't get my period for a year.. In march I got dead blood for 1-2 days then got it again in April for 1-2 days I kept getting it I felt dizzy, in pain, hair loss, and memory loss. I got my full period yesterday 3/8/12 I was in pain at first and wanted to go home as soon as I got home I went for a shower and my period just gushed out I had to lay down as I nearly fainted. I've also been very very moody! I feel a lot better now that I have my period but I have such bad pains and my period is extremely heavy! I just bough this tablet it's called naprogesic its a heavy period pain tablet it worked for me.I will NOT be getting this needle again and I think the needle shouldn't be on the shelves as it is dangerous!! I'm only 17 and I I want kids when I'm older and I've read a lot of people can't have kids after the needle.

b/p reduced to 135-85, went off it after 6 days and felt immediately better, b/p now 145-93, will loose weight, alter diet, drink lots of water, less sodium etc and expect to see further benefits...natural way much better, but must be disciplined..you can do it!

After taking zantac 300mg for four days I experienced numbness in my legs and pain down both arms. The gastro doc took me off of it, but my liver enzymes are very high and I have to go for many procedures to see if I have liver damage. In addition, I also need cardiac exams to rule out a heart attack.

The review above is irresponsible. Just because a drug doesn't work or there is an interaction for one person does not mean there will be for all.

Bad heart palpitations, anxiety, bad cramps, can't sleep.

No initial side effects except dry mouth which went away after a while (4 weeks or so).

My moods were up and down. Extreme fatigue. Some nausea. Feeling like I had the flu the entire time.

take these just after eating and the upset tummy should pass.leaving just a gurgle.

originally, felt slow, stupid, drugged or slightly drunk the following day (since I take clonazepam at night only, .5 mg- .75 mg). now i have tolerance.if I do not take it, i get much stronger seizure symptoms--electrical jolts with lights, strong myoclonic twitches, etc. uncertain if loss of libido is due to using clonazepam, or some hormonal shift. uncertain if memory loss (for nouns, data) is related to klonopin use.

Slight dizziness, numbness around skull, insomnia, some knee joint swelling, rash, hives, constant itching, shortness of breath, loose stool