Zantac 150 (ranitidine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zantac 150 (ranitidine hydrochloride)

I use the bottles I have remaining to taper off a cycle of the much stronger Pepcid AC. I do 4 weeks on Pepcid, 1 week on Zantac, then switch to Gaveson regular plus Gavescon advanced for a month or longer since it's not good to be on these drugs long term.

The anxiety, panic attacks, and heart palpitations are unreal! I have no problems with Pepcid or Gavescon. A few days after starting Zantac these palpations start. They come on within an hour of taking the pill, and last at least 4 hours. Whenever I begin to doze off, I'm suddenly woken up in an absolute panic.

Shortness of breath, anxiety, painful back, lack of appetite, very dry mouth.

Thankfully, read comments on here & realised it wasn't just me but the medication. I am now having acupuncture & Chinese herbs, which are working very well for my digestion & has also stopped my anxiety attacks.

This was the only thing that eased my reflux, and now I am unable to get it because no one sells it, because of a stupid lawsuit. I suffer every day because nothing else works...

Terrible!!! Stay away from this drug, sure no heartburn but cold chills, anxiety, nauseous, sore back, downright miserable.. took over a week to realize what was causing all this, 3days off all good cider vinegar with mother mixed with water from now on.

Instant relief of most heartburn symptoms, a bit of upset stomach and lower back pain somewhat tired all the time and joint and bone pain possibly associated with the use of Zantac.

I switched from dr prescribed nexium to 150 mg Zantac, 3 days in I started feeling really exhausted and a lot of joint pain and some over all restlessness, trouble sleeping. But Zantac does relieve the heartburn.depending on how severe your reflux is would determine if the side effects are worth the use of this product.

Instant relief of most heartburn symptoms, a bit of upset stomach and lower back pain somewhat tired all the time and joint and bone pain possibly associated with the use of Zantac.

I switched from dr prescribed nexium to 150 mg Zantac, 3 days in I started feeling really exhausted and a lot of joint pain and some over all restlessness, trouble sleeping. But Zantac does relieve the heartburn.depending on how severe your reflux is would determine if the side effects are worth the use of this product.

Depression, anxiety, insomnia, shaking, loss of appetite, headache.

Strong numbness in face shortness of breath restless leg

Muscle cramping, chest and upper abdominal pain. Arm muscle pain. Anxiety. Panic attacks. Insomnia.

I will NEVER take this medication again!

All the '1" ratings I have experienced. Feels like I have been poisoned. It's systemic... Horrible rib pain, upper torso pain from stomach radiating to back. Weakness, nightmares, anxiety. PLEASE BE CAREFUL WITH THIS DRUG. I have been a virtual zombie for two weeks. When you stop drug, acid comes back much stronger. This should NOT be sold over the counter. Criminal.

At least since I have read these comments, I feel somewhat relieved that I am not dying!!!!

Stomach pain and cramps, legs ached, terrible diarrhea

I experienced major stomach cramps and had a horrific case of diarrhea. My legs would also ache. Had a constant headache also. I will never take Zantac again! It’s terrible!

Horrible joint/bone pain, tingling in arms and legs, increased anxiety and nausea, upset tummy,

I was on this previous for a bad flare up, and thought the tingling was down to different medication. I stopped everything, a recent flare up had me reaching for the Zantac and within 24 the tingling is back and my anxiety has increased 10 fold. Going to look at natural remedies now.

Sick to my stomach, light headed, headache, sour stomach, muscle aches, anxiety

after 2nd day started to itch front of neck and had some jaw pain by 5th day more itch and upon waking on 6th day rash was everywhere from scalp to soles of feet with constant itch. Also had anxiety - Immediately stopped Xatac. two full days have passed with no Xantac rash fading but still very itchy all over hard to sleep. will allow 1 more day before calling doctor to see if it need some anti something - preferably natural not pills.

Will not recommend this product to anyone and advise if they must - try very low dose and be prepared for side effects of some sort.

Heart palpitations started 1 hour after taking this medicine.

Anxiety increased and weird feeling in my chest, felt like esophagus spasms or heart palpitations.

Taken Zantac 150 in the past and didn’t really have any issues after a month on it had restless leg syndrome at night and trouble sleeping, but no chest issues.

Where do I begin? ANXIETY and PANIC ATTACKS! Depression, tiredness, dehydration and constipation. Just a general feeling of not feeling or being well.

I originally began taking this medication because of nighttime GERD. I think in the beginning, I tolerated this poison. I started having small anxiety attacks and just thought it was the stress of daily life. Fast forward a few years and I now have full blown ANXIETY and PANIC ATTACKS. Depression is a daily battle. I have been to the doctor many times over the years and he said there is no way it could be the Zantac 150 causing it. He gave me Klonopin to kill the anxiety and panic attacks. Now I'm addicted to that! Long story short, STAY AWAY FROM THIS POISON! Think twice before believing your doctor when they say "it's safe and you shouldn't have any side effects". I am now trying desperately to find a way to get off of this stuff. My body is so used to having it, every time I try to taper, it's not successful. I'm on a hamster wheel and I can't get off. I was a happy, healthy father of two young kids and now I've missed most of their childhood because I "didn't feel good". Don't follow in my foot steps!

Losing my mind I got on anxiety medication and was very stressed then I realized maybe it's the rantidine and quit taking it now my symptoms are gone I thought I was dying.

Side Effects forzantac 150 (ranitidine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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swelling in feet, irregular feeling heart beat, difficulty breathing when walking, dizziness

Taking 2 pills is equivalent to drinking two cups of coffee and since I'm not a coffee drinker it makes me realllllyyyy hyper and loopy

little red dots on face and chest, gas, bloating, insomnia, depression, anxiety

Weight Loss, loss of concentration, inability to function daily. HAIR LOSS!!! and horrible mood swings

Slept like a rock for the first time in a long, long time. Woke up feeling refreshed and positive.

Took 1 pill this morning. It's now been 8 hours. Can't function because so drowsy. Not hungry. What a waste of a beautiful sunny day. Would have rather dealt with allergies than this.

Best med out there in my opinion. Tried celexa, wellbutrin, and viibryd. Little to no side effects with Pristiq. Gives motivation and drive to push forward and look toward a productive future. Would really recommend this medication.

Increased energy, relieved painful periods-mine were excruciating with rectal bleeding and gas pains previously-Mircette has been a miracle treatment

Wish they would make something that would work and antipsychotics that did not cause this!

Taking combo of cipro/flagyl for 10 days. It does work. Always clears up the inflammation - severe left-sided pain- gone within 4 days. 3rd time in 12 months. Only had it twice before, 6 years ago. Diverticulitis for me is Absolutely stress induced.Food makes no difference.