Tagamet (cimetidine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tagamet (cimetidine)

First, did nothing for the acid at all. I wear a smart watch that records my sleep each night. I stopped getting any deep sleep. I mean 0. I could be in the bed 8 hrs and get 5 of actual sleep. Exhausted. Started feel very panicked. Which made me feel depressed. Plus with all reflux medication I had taken in the past I had severe muscle cramps I'm my feet and legs. Quit it several days ago and have had a normal amount of deep sleep for 3 nights straight. Panic and depression are subsiding. Starting to feel normal again. Didn't realize what a fog I was in. My advice is DO NOT take it.

Dry eyes, sore throat but it went away, headache

This works the best out of any h2 blocker or ppi. I had terrible side effects to all the other medications and barely any to this one. It works awesome!!

ANXIETY, nervousness, Shaky, Feeling not myself--like I'm in a fish bowl looking out.

I took this because of Zantac being discontinued. If I take this before bed, I will not sleep well and wake up feeling VERY anxious and shaky in the morning. The anxiety will last most of the day. It has even brought on a few panic attacks. Feeling very depressed about life and this really isn't me. Feeling like life is passing me by. I'm assuming that it is this medication causing all of this. Had similar side effects from Pepcid. Maybe it's just this class of H2 blockers.

Trouble swallowing, sore muslces, inflammation, sore breasts

I switched from Nexium to Tagamet. I took Tagamet fine for about 2 months and then I started getting flushed skin, achy muscles, skin inflammation, trouble swallowing as if a lump was in my throat, and sore breasts. It never occured to me that Tagamet was doing all of this to me because I purchased it at Walmart so I thought that it was safe and I kept taking it for an additional 2 months. I literally thought that I had lupus. One day I decided to stop Tagamet and all of my symptoms subsided within a few days. I've been off of it for 30 days now and I still have a few residiual symptoms every now and again. I still feel like I have a lump in my throat but having an ulcer will do that to you. I hoping that goes away soon too or else I'll go and get it checked out. I'm going the natural route of Chia seeds in water everyday as well as a teaspoon of baking soda mixed with 2 cups of water and I've noticed immediate results. They don't prevent my acid reflux like Tagamet and Nexium but it stops it once it arrives. Tagamet works great but I would not recommend it for long term use.

I was on prilosec and switched to g

Sore throat which I didn't have before. Trouble swallowing a week into tagamet. Fever and headache and sweating. Also started having really dry eyes. Stopped tagamet and now all is going away. Just can't take it. Also increase of urinating. And tired all the time.

Will go without meds and treat gerds with diet change and natural products.

Our daughter started out with one large wart on her knuckle. We sought a liquid nitrogen treatment (every two weeks) from a dermatologist. Every night we applied a 40 percent SALICYLIC ACID PASTE (waste of time and money--labor intensive with little to no results). We saw some progress after each two week visit, but at $25 dollars a co-pay it would have been a thousand dollars later before the wart would have gone away. We stopped going to the dermatologist after four visits. The wart then multiplied to 12 warts in a matter of six months--her right hand was almost completely covered by warts. On her left hand there were two warts now growing... I think the multiplication of the warts was spurred on and caused from the liquid nitrogen treatments! We were losing the battle... we felt like there was nothing that could conquer the wart battle. Then my mother came across an article that identified TAGAMET (CIMETIDINE) as having varying levels of success with wart removal. Our daughter takes an oral dose of 400mg 3-4 times per day and after 45 days the warts are 90 percent gone! We estimate another 30 days of the oral regimen and we will have rid her completely of warts. In my opinion it is nothing short of a miracle! We spoke with two pharmacists, one doctor and one dermatologist--all four said they saw no problems with a nine year old taking TAGAMET. They said the dosage was okay and if she was bothered by it she could back off the dosage.

I've suffered from ulcers in the past. Recently started to get another one which caused abdominal pain and nausea along with headache and insomnia. Not wanting to go to the doctor this time, I tried Tagamet hp 200. I took 2 pills (400 mg) in the morning and 2 in the evening and my symptoms and pain were gone the first day and did not return. Saved me a trip to the doctor and from having to by an RX drug. Though I wouldn't recommend taking an OTC drug like this (against the label dose which was only take up to 2 a day) before consulting with a doctor or pharmacist.

Side Effects fortagamet (cimetidine) - User Comments


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depression, breakthrough bleeding, weight gain, anxiety

I should mention that I am taking this along with Flagyl (metronidazole 500 mg) X 6hrs. I also get queasy and kind of nauseated with all this medication, and I'm taking Zofran for that. Can't wait 'till I finish.

I started taking valtrex in October because I had blisters on vulva area. I had 3 culture swabs that were negative but tested positive for HSV 1. So the doctors put me on valtrex, well I never had it. I have a skin dermatitis, they finally did a biopsy. I hated being on the medicine. Felt depressed, agitated, bloated. The worst though has been since I stopped the medicine. I have been off the medicine for two weeks and I've had horrible anxiety. I am so glad I am off and hope to feel better soon.

I have been depressed and anxious all of my life. I had to start at a high dose of Effexor XR due to being emotionally abused on a job in 1997, where I was forced to have a breakdown at work. Later I was forced to quit that job and my back collapsed. As the time has passed Effexor XR has kept me alive for this long time because I have been able to keep myself productive and caring for my 3 boys...my oldest has paranoid schizophrenia and my middle son is severely autistic. Both are teens.

Extremely frequent urination, nickle taste in mouth, random short term headaches, coordination problems, cognitive problems (Bad with word recall), Extreme thirst, sensitivity to sun, inability to sweat

My anxiety got worse, it went from 2.5 to like3.75 (1-10, 10 being worst). (That extra anxiety caused me more stress and was unable to sit down and enjoy anything not even read a book and it caused me more sleeping issues(due to added anxiety) It felt like I had to keep moving and couldn't sit still. It also worsened my tinnitus, I believe because of the increased anxiety. Not taking any more. I'd rather live with higher blood pressure. Will try to find something that works without the added anxiety. My doctor didn't want to be bothered in finding something better, I changed doctors. I also tried Atenolol and that was worst on anxiety and insomnia! JL

i only took it for 3 weeks and a month and a half later i still have diarhea from it.

I was having suicidal thoughts, couldn't sleep, I was wheezing horribly, and I had very bad abdominal pain, and have no energy and just wanted to crawl into a ball I would definitely not recommend this to anybody it seems like there are more side effects than good effects


While everyone reacts differently to medication, this pain reliever has worked reasonably well for me without any serious drawbacks. It has certainly worked better and caused fewer side effects than comparable opiates. As for addiction, what I’ve seen among the users I know is that normal usage does not lead to addiction: abuse will (as with most prescription pain relievers).