Reglan (metoclopramide hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Reglan (metoclopramide hydrochloride)

Not much, felt invigorated and at peace

Felt encouraged to follow up a dude on threads asking 300 k for treatment due to the side effects of this medication.

Terrible panic, fear, akathisia, agitation, dystonia, dysphagia, swallowing problems, throat tightness, nausea, diarrhea, no appetite, stomach pain, restless sleep, vivid dreams..

At first I took it in pills, then the doctor gave me an injection. It was hell on earth. Immediately 2 minutes after the injection, panic began, hands and feet were shaking, blood pressure increased, it was getting worse by the minute, they told me just breathe, you have a panic attack, but I barely understood them, went to bed, wrote to my mother that I might die today, closed my eyes and moved from side to side my arms and legs were straining, I wanted to turn around and get out of my body, after probably 40 minutes I couldn't even answer the call. After an "acute" reaction, I had constant panic attacks, animal terror, agitation, akathisia (I couldn't even go to the store), I didn't eat anything, felt compression in my throat for 3-4 weeks. It has been 8 weeks since that day, and still debilitating nausea (I lie down all day), lack of appetite, diarrhea, restless short sleep (how tired I am of constant meaningless dreams), a feeling of horror. In general, as if you are not in your body, but in the body of an old poisoned person every day, as if your brain and body are connected to an electric wire 24/7. Can nausea stay forever? it's so unbearable to endure it and just wait, I don't remember what it means to be a normal person anymore. If you want to contact me, please text on telegram @quasigym.

Suicidal thoughts/ ideations and also mild homicidal ideations which I've never felt or thought like that in my life ! It's been 3 years and I'm not the same been on multiple antidepressants with not much help ! Some helps and some make me worst ! Reglan almost took my life I pray and cling to my family and pray everyday that one day I can be and feel normal ! I can’t go out with friends anymore and have a drink etc just be me ! All that has changed for me

It's also hard for me to work feeling like this ! The depression and muscle twitching is still happening ! I do feel like this medicine is made to be for POPULATION CONTROL ! I don't trust the gov neither big pharma I'll never take it AGAIN !

Terrible panic, anxiety, unable to sleep, clenching jaws, hypersensitive to sound and light for years afterwards.

It completely changed my life at 42 years of age. After 14 years of crying every time I tried to talk about it, I was treated for PTS. It been over 25 years, and I am still dealing with problems. I can't unclench my jaw, I still have sensitivity towards noises, anxiety, and have bouts of depression. I've been on two antidepressants for as long as a year, but have never felt normal since taking Reglan. I've tried to warn people about this drug for many years. I'm thankful I had loving people surrounding me through it all. I believe this drug hurts at least as many people as it helps. I wish they'd take it off the market. I fear I will get it again by mistake one day.

I got it with akathisia (intense restlessness), crying spells, loss of appetite, loss of libido, depression, extreme anxiety etc.This lead to a prescription cascade that only made me worse. I am 15 months off Reglan and 3 months off all meds. Slowly recovering.If I didn’t have a small child for whom to stay alive I don’t think I would have made it.

Suicidal thoughts, severe anxiety, severe depression, akathisia

This drug should be banned. They who prescribe this should end up in the electric chair for what they are doing to people

Dystonic reaction, hallucinations, derealization, depersonalization, agoraphobia, monophobia, daily panic attacks, severe depression, Akathisia, legs stopped working, muscle tremors, severe fatigue, chills, fainting, diarrhea, nausea, dry heaving, loss of appetite, acid reflux, shortness of breath, red burning skin, numbness in limbs, headache, restlessness, chest pain

Was given this drug via IV ONE TIME DOSE! It has now been 5 months and I am still completely disabled feels like I'm living in a dream, scared all of the time, can't eat, no joy, suffering for months on end. Please email me if anything helped you or if this nightmare will eventually end!!

I was given Reglan through IV in the ER, along with Toradol and Benadryl for a migraine. As soon as it hit my veins, I went from having a casual conversation with the nurse to hyperventilating, feeling like my heart was pounding out of my chest, and wanting to rip the IV out and run away. At the same time, I was terrified to move because I was convinced that something terrible was going to happen if I did. I had never had a panic attack before, but later understood that's what it was.This was back in early September 2022. Since then, I've had ongoing problems with anxiety and panic, and for some reason it gets especially bad when I notice my own heartbeat. I hate it. I'm slowly getting better at managing my thoughts (which love to spiral into panic at the slightest bodily sensation), but I hate it. Wouldn't wish this on anybody, and I hope it goes away soon. I would give anything to just feel NORMAL again.

Among all the reviews I've read about this drug, people either love it and have absolutely zero problems, or they experience the worst possible problems. Please don't risk it. There are other medications that you can take. Reglan is NOT worth the gamble.

Ive been traumatized taking this drug for nausea and vomiting I felt like running out of the ER. It gave me panic attack and anxiety I thought it was just in my head until I searched it up. Dont recommend this at all.

I started experiencing severe depression, anxiety, agitation and insomnia very shorty after starting the medication. I was so restless and this medication made me suicidal. I was having such severe anxiety that my anxiety medication couldn't even bring me out of it. Horrible experience.

Definitely would not recommend, especially if you already have mental health issues.

Teeth clenching and pressing tongue to roof of mouth

Custom dental guard ineffective. Jaw and face pain. Tongue pain. Headaches.

severe dizziness and shaking in my right I could not sit still

I had to take a sleeping pill in order to still my shaking all over my body...I was in rehab.for weeks before an outside doctor realized my side effects was caused by the reglan which could have caused permanent damage to my nervous system as soon has I was taken off it the shaking in my foot stopped except for a twitch in my foot still...

I we r to the ER for some weird acute vision loss and they thought it was a migraine. They gave me this and within minutes I felt I had to break out of the chair and rip out the IV. I couldn't not move my legs or they would be severely uncomfortable. I became very anxious and as someone with bipolar disorder I was freaking out that this may induce an episode. Once they gave me more Benadryl I was fine.

Anesthesia cocktail contained it

Anxiety was off the charts and a panic attack that wouldn't stop ....bonus throwing up couldn't stop. I was given drugs to help relieve effects, my answer I got up off the operating table. New doc, new cocktail with zolfran. I would never allow it to be used on me again. Thank God for the anesthesiologist figured it out. I tend to think it wasn't the first time he had seen the reaction of anxiety and terror, cared to find a way to not have it happen. The surgeon knew, it must be cheap or they get bonus for using reglan.

Nausea, suspected gastroperisis

Depression and anxiety. Dr never said not to take for more than 12 weeks. Was put on depression meds and even testosterone to try and make me feel better yet reglan was the cause all along. Been off of it for a month now and my anxiety is debilitating at this point. Cant stop movine my arms and touching my face, legs or hair. Now on buproprion and hydroxozine to help with my anxiety/panic attacks. This drug should be banned!!

Reglan made me suicidal depressed almost took my life !!! Was scared to death developed akathisia suicidal thoughts my brain was talking to me telling me to take me and my dogs life and this is NOT me ! My parents had to watch me everyday until I had to be placed on an antidepressant and had to wait 6-7 weeks u til it kicked in ! I'll never be the same ! 1 year later I'm still on an antidepressant with so many up and down days still completely depersonalized ! So many times I wanted to give up but I prayed every night to keep pushing and saying to myself my future will be so bright couldn't eat sleep or even bathe myself my family had to take care of me ! With just ONE DOSE ! This pill is so strong ! To do something like this to me I've never ever !!! Out of all the meds I had to be placed on an tried for my stomach condition never experience mf ANY THING like this ! It may work for some ppl without and side effect but the majority of the worlds population will experience this after taking it it's too risky and too dangerous ! People have committed suicide and I prayed I wouldn't be one of them !!! You will get better hang in there I know it's hard ! But you'll will and can get through this I take Zoloft and I'm the beginning I had to be placed on 0.5 Ativan who he's helped a lot ! Hopeful

Suicidal/ Homicidal Ideations, Severe Depression, Debilitiating anxiety attacks back to back ! Had to be watched and cared for 24 hours of the day with just one dose ! Muscle twitches, toes face muscles twitching ! Developed severe social anxiety as well ! HORRIBLE HORRIBLE DRUG ! Cannot make this up ! Doctors basically called me crazy ! A normal functioning human being to being a phsycho path !

None. Reglan is the only drug that would help my nausea I tried odansatrun and that doesn't help.

I've taken Reglan for 6 years. And now I'm on omeprazole so I'm going to try to wean off of Reglan. Right now I'm down to two pills a day. I have to drink a lot of water. If I can burp it helps my nausea and when I drink water that helps me burp.

I had the worst experience with this drug. I already have anxiety but I can usually semi manage it. Not even 5 minutes after this was inserted into my IV, I freaked out. I got extremely hot, sweating, shaky. I went into a full anxiety attack. Went to the bathroom to splash my face and catch my breath from under my mask, it didn't help. I asked my nurse if I could get some fresh air and even that did not feel like enough. Had to get a shot for anxiety cause I could not calm down. After the shot, I felt a lot better. I would not recommend this for anyone who has anxiety. I literally felt like the walls were closing in on me and I was gonna die.

I had this injected into me ONE time for severe vomiting/nausea I was having. Within seconds of it hitting me I instantly went into a terrible panic attack. I have never had a panic attack in my life. It was HORRIFYING. some much uncontrollable anxiety hit my chest, my heart started racing and I couldn't sit still. I truly felt like I was going crazy. I got SO hot and wanted to rip my clothes off. I felt trapped and scared. I have never experienced this in my life and would never ever want to again. It wore off about 10-15 mins later but I was still very uneasy/jittery the rest of my night. I legit almost ripped that crap off of my arm and ran out of the hospital.

REGLAN (METOCLOPRAMIDE HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to treat certain conditions of the stomach and intestines. Metoclopramide is used as a short-term treatment (4 to 12 weeks) for persistent heartburn when the usual medicines do not work well enough. It is used mostly for heartburn that occurs after a meal or during the daytime. Treating persistent heartburn can decrease the damage done by stomach acid to the swallowing tube (esophagus) and help healing. Metoclopramide is also used in diabetic patients who have poor emptying of their stomachs (gastroparesis). Treating gastroparesis can decrease symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and stomach/abdominal fullness. Metoclopramide works by blocking a natural substance (dopamine). It speeds up stomach emptying and movement of the upper intestines. This drug is not recommended for use in children due to an increased risk of serious side effects (such as muscle spasms/uncontrolled muscle movements). Ask the doctor or pharmacist for details. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

After 4 days my initial stomach bug appears to be on the way to being resolved...however the additional side effects are troublesome difficult to cope with....adding anxiety. I am unsure if I will be able to continue for the 7 days i am worried that he suide effects will continue to get worse.

Within 20 min of taking aleve I started itching all over my entire body. My eyes were red and swollwen my lips swelled and tingled my throat strated swelling shut my chest became very tight. My blood pressure dropped to 60 and I had no pulse. Ambulance was called and I was give benadryl with some other meds at the hospital came home with prednisone and alegra. Dr said I should expect symtoms to stay up to 2 weeks. It was definately the aleve. No over the counter should have this type of affect on anybody. DO NOT TAKE THIS MEDICATION FOR ANY REASON!

Side effects that only lasted 3 days are dry mouth, clinching jaw, dilated pupils, hand shakes, and yawning.(75 mg) None were too bad and did not trouble me in my work or at home. Now I have no side effects at all besides vivid dreams

All 3 doses were totally fine, quick jab followed by a couple days of sore arm. Honestly TDAP hurts way more and for longer. The antivaxer wing of my family was crushed by COVID, half of them died and the other half caught it at least a few times each, whereas my wife, kids and I haven't even had a single case, despite being more social than the antivaxers and even visiting them on a few occasions. Won't hesitate to keep getting the Moderna COVID shots. It's a no-brainer.

I went to my doctor to see if I could be put on something that would help regulate my twice a month period since it hasn't regulated in about 6 years. This is my first week using it and I have woken up every morning around 7 or 8 (not by choice since it is the summer). Also, I never have trouble sleeping through the night, but it frequently wakes me up now. I woke up this morning with excruciating stomach pain between my ribs which later caused diarrhea and vomiting later that morning. The pain still hasn't gone away, but exercise and work have decreased the pain levels, but when I am idle again it comes back. I still want to give it a chance because it is only my first week. Good luck to you all.

Group B Strep and a Staph Infection

I had to stop because of the side effects. I am not sure if they would have subsided after a while, but I didn't want to take the chance. I'll deal with my congestion for now.

Even after a detox fast (lots and lots of water) it still took me almost six months of therapy and acupuncture treatment to finally get back to a normal life.The therapy was to help me deal with the immense anger and sense of betrayal I experienced against the prescribing doctor, who basically laughed my problems off, even though I pointed out that the drug was speciffically unsuited to three conditions I had. In fact - I never had a urinary tract infection. I actually had infected kidneys!

jaw clenching, frequent night time urination, excessive yawning, loss of appitite for the first week, dry mouth, dreams seemed like reality, nausea for the first week or so

Breast enlargement, period every two weeks :P, cramps still there, less bleeding, moodiness (never used to be so emotional) long periods of spotting/cramping following short periods.